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Scada Security: Best Practices to Adapt Now to Protect Your Networks

Solana Networks Inc.
Scada Security: Best Practices to Adapt Now to Protect Your Networks

Controlled systems are used by everyone in all industries to control the network of people connected to them. All vital and confidential information and facts are guaranteed to pass through the restricted channel you and your team established. But have you thought about safeguarding your data and confidential files from that unknown bot that could compromise your sensitive information? Companies use SCADA security practices to protect those critical facts. 

In some cases, Scada Security techniques are even used to keep data safe, which can pose a threat to national security. Or even if you are someone who just wants to keep everything safe and confidential, using this security practise will really help you maintain your security. Whether you are a small company or a big firm, whatever can be your circumstances but using these practices can really benefit you in keeping safe and secured your information.

Steps to Follow Scada Security Practices: 

Network Traffic Diagram: The first step must be to control the traffic, and the most intelligent technique for doing so is by creating a diagram that shows all network traffic between Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), connected devices, external software, and your chosen software or platform. Just imagine, before drawing the map, how your security is looking at the moment. And then, while drawing the traffic, you can actually mark the weak points.

Check the encrypted and Non-encrypted Sources: If you trace any connections that are not encrypted, make sure to check that the access to that network is secure and matches your network. All the database connections are easy to encrypt, but PLC connections are difficult. In order to ensure that if the data transferred is safe, just check that Inductive Automation’s Ignition platforms support SSL/TLS security, To be fully sure if the website or link coming to your network is secured or not, just check the “S” in URL, this signifies that the website is safe. 

It has been observed that any industry or organization can actually spend a fair amount of money making their data secure. But there is no need to spend so much when you can actually secure your network by following simple Scada Security practices. For extremely sensitive information, there is also the option of using a data diode; this technique will only allow security to flow out of the network and no forces will be able to enter the secured firewalls.

Solana Networks Inc.
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