Living alone may excite some older adults as it may bring comfort and independence to them. However, there are several dangers that seniors may face while living alone. It may include falling due to limited mobility or avoiding health issues that may become a future concern. To live a high-quality life, seniors may want to know some of the dangers they may face, which can harm their health physically and mentally. Home Care Potomac has compiled a list of the 6 hazards for seniors who live alone.
1. Isolation
Isolation itself may put seniors at risk of several health concerns. If your loved one lives alone, it may decrease their social interaction and enhance their depression. Becoming socially isolated from their family and friends may take a toll on some seniors as time goes by. Social isolation may increase your loved one`s risk of heart disease, cognitive decline, and high blood pressure.
2. Anxiety
Some seniors who are less likely to interact and spend most of their days inside the house may develop anxiety disorders. Family caregivers should make sure their loved ones are not undergoing any anxiety disorder and keep regular contact with them if their loneliness is hurting them in one way or the other. Feeling unsafe, helpless, and having insomnia are some of the things that may cause anxiety in some seniors.
3. Financial Burden
If your loved ones are living on a pension, it may be hard for them sometimes to meet ends. Buying regular food supplies and medications are some of the basic requirements for older adults. If your loved one hasn`t had enough savings left for them to sustain a healthy life, then you must look after their monthly goods.
4. Falling Accidents
Falling and tripping due to limited mobility are some dangers living alone can bring. If your loved one lives alone and is prone to falling or tripping, it can be dangerous for them to live alone. Your loved ones may be unable to call for help in an emergency if they live alone. Family caregivers should call and visit their loved ones frequently to keep them in check.
5. Malnutrition
Anxiety, depression, and social isolation are some of the factors which may cause malnutrition and impaired physical health in some seniors. Your loved ones may be less likely to take good care of their physical health when living alone by making poor decisions or eating unhealthy food. Seniors with regular mood swings may avoid eating for hours which may be the reason for malnutrition in them.
6. Missing Symptoms
Seniors who live alone have no one to check the changes in their behavior and health. If an older adult lives alone and grows symptoms of a particular disease, avoiding these early signs may result in chronic disease. While living alone, your loved ones may also forget to take their medications on time.
These are some crucial dangers your loved ones might face if they live alone. However, you can ensure your loved ones are living safely by making changes in their environment or suggesting some helpful ways. Potomac Homecare is available 24/7 for seniors who live alone and can reach out to them in an emergency. You can offer your loved ones live with your family or choose an assisted living care facility for better and healthy living.