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Food In Train And Deliver At Your Seat - Enjoy With GoFoodieOnline

Go Foodie
Food In Train And Deliver At Your Seat - Enjoy With GoFoodieOnline

The first railway network in the country was laid in 16th April 1853 which had a length of 21 miles connecting Bombay to Thanes .The Indian Railways is among the world’s largest rail networks. The Indian Railways network is spread over 115,000 km, with 12,617 passenger trains and 7,421 freight trains each day from 7,172 stations plying 23 million travellers and 3 million tonnes (MT) of freight daily. Nearly about 42 railway companies used to operate in the country now, India’s railway network is recognized as one of the largest railway systems in the world under single management.It is the third largest network in the world. Some of the amazing facts about the Indian Railways.

Indian Railways transports almost 2.5 crore passengers daily- That ‘s nearly the total population of New Zealand ,Australia and Tasmania put together!

A massively successful organization – running 11,000 trains in a day is no joke!

The Rail Museum in Delhi is the largest in Asia.

Indian Railways has a mascot – Bholu, the Guard Elephant.

A train covers a distance of 528 km without a single stop- Trivandrum – H. NizamuddinRajdhani Express.

Before installing Automatic Point System was installed, hundreds of guards lost their hands and fingers trying to fix it manually. Every time a train got delayed and we complained, an Indian Railways employee probably lost his limbs for us.

The longest tunnel in the country is 11.215 kilometers long!- It is the PirPanjal Railway tunnel in Jammu and Kashmir.

Every time we take a trip anywhere in India, our first option as a means of transportation is the railway. Whether we spend a few hours travelling in trains, or a few days, journeys are delightful with tasty food. The food served at the Indian railways' long-distance trains is anything but. Overwhelm with loads of complaints about poor quality of food in trains, and the recent recovery of a lizard in meal served on board Poorva Express to a passenger. A railway passenger especially the kids & elder people is facing a serious challenge of quality food in train. To solve this problem and ensure the availability of good quality food in train through Gofoodieonline e-catering, ready to eat meals and availability of local cuisines. We simply want to feed passengers and travellers with the quality from a simple veg thali to a variety menu as per your taste.Gofoodieonline is a prominent and well known e-catering service provider known to be for quality and tastier food in train at your seat. Desired Food in train is made convenient for you, thanks to our food partners of various cities across all over India. Our Objective is to provide simple, specific and quality meals on seat in a very convenient packaging.

We are happy to share that we have created a food logistics network through our certified vendors across India at all major 200 A class stations and we provide an array awesome menu options and food choices in more than top 10000+ trains:

Diabetic friendly meals at major stations.

Availability of Jain food in select routes.

Facility of non-onion and garlic food.

Passenger can place an order while being travelling in train by request call back option or by calling us on 7412072893 where our team members will be happy to assist you. Make sure to place an order about 50 min in advance to your train’s arrival time at the station.

We are in sync with the train halts ,delays or early arrivals so not to worry about train timings ,we reach and deliver food in train at your seat & you can pay cash right there and then. We ensure customers get their food on time and in the manner they ask for it.

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