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Download Youtube Video Using Url: A Comprehensive Guide

Download Youtube Video Using Url: A Comprehensive Guide

YouTube videos are one of the most popular content items on the internet. Not only do they have high viewership numbers, but anyone can watch them without any prior knowledge or experience. What’s not to like? However, there are a few things you should keep in mind when downloading YouTube videos using URLs.

What Is A YouTube

A URL is a unique identifier for a video. It's like a phone number or email address that refers to a particular video. When you click on one of these URLs, you'll be taken to the video's page.

How To Download YouTube Videos

First, you need to find the YouTube video you want to download. To do this, open the YouTube app and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. On the left side of the screen, you will see a list of videos. If you are browsing by category (such as movies or TV shows), click on that video’s name to view its details.

If you are looking for a particular YouTube video, however, you can also use one of the following methods to download it:

1. Click on a thumbnail from a YouTube video and select “download” from the pop-up menu.

2. Choose an available Download URL and press “download”.

3. Use one of our many Google Chrome Extensions to bookmark a specific URL and then paste that URL into an address bar when editing a YouTube video.

How To Use YouTube Videos Using URLs

Once you have downloaded a YouTube video using a URL, there are several ways in which you can use it:

To view and play the video directly from your computer: Click on its thumbnail or go to its page on the website.

To make copies of the video for future use: Copy and paste the code below into an email or other document (or copy and paste it into a social media post)

Downloading YouTube Videos Using URLs

To Download youtube video using url, you first need to create an account on the website and enter the following information: the video’s title, publisher, or channel name, and the file size. After you have entered all of this information, you can click on the “download” button.

Once you have clicked on the “download” button, your computer will start downloading the video. Once it has finished, you will find that your computer has downloaded the video to your hard drive. You can then access and view the video by clicking on its thumbnail.

What To Look For When Downloading YouTube Videos

When downloading YouTube videos, it’s important to consider the type of videos you want to view. The most popular types of videos to download are pictures and videos. Pictures can be downloaded in many formats, including MP4, HD Recording, and 3GP. Videos can be downloaded in a variety of formats, including MP3, FLV, and 3GP.


The use of URLs can help you download videos from YouTube in a variety of ways. By using a URL to download a video, you can save time and reduce the amount of data you need to upload. Additionally, by using a URL to download a video in a browser, you can access the video from anywhere in the world. Finally, by using a URL to download a YouTube video on a computer, you can get the video directly into your browser without having to wait for it to load.

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