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Does a candidate fit within the organization?

Does a candidate fit within the organization?

There are endless lists of obvious interview questions. Every applicant has prepared these lists well and knows how to give an appropriate answer to everything. As an employer, you need to find a way to cut through this. To find out whether the candidate is really suitable within the company. The classic questions are of course still important to ask and find out whether the candidate fits within the company.

Classic questions:

1.     Can you tell something about yourself?

2.     What are your good qualities?

3.     Tell us what your less good qualities / points for improvement are?

4.     Name what appeals to you about this position?

Most applicants have their word ready for the above questions. So most people are preparing for this. As an employer, it is important to avoid this. Most candidates usually give the answers they think are most appropriate. The unexpected questions are therefore a nice addition to the questions above, because they allow you to see how the applicant responds.

Unexpected questions:

1.     Why do you want to leave your current employer?

2.     Where will you be in five years?

3.     How did you prepare for this conversation?

The above questions ensure that the candidate is taken out of his comfort zone. In this way, properties emerge that are relevant to know. You can quickly notice whether a candidate is creative in coming up with ideas and answering random questions. That is why it is important for employers to prepare questions that help you find out whether the candidate fits the organization or not. It is helpful to ask a few unexpected questions. This way you take the applicant out of his or her comfort zone and see how he or she responds. Ultimately, after these questions that have been asked to the applicant, you can get a clearer picture of the applicant. Ultimately, this will allow you to select the right candidate.

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