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Celebrating Key West's First Legal Rum: A Rich History of Rum-Making

John Wick
Celebrating Key West's First Legal Rum: A Rich History of Rum-Making

Key West, Florida, is a small island in the southernmost point of the United States. It is known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant culture, and rich history. One aspect of this history is the art of rum-making, which has been a part of the island's culture for over 200 years. Key West's first legal rum is a milestone in the island's history, marking the end of an era of illegal distilling and smuggling and the beginning of a new era of legal, artisanal rum production. This article will explore the rich history of rum-making in Key West, the road to legalization, and the crafting of the perfect spirit.

A History of Rum-Making in Key West

Rum-making has a long and storied history in Key West. In the 1800s, the island was a hub for the Caribbean rum trade, and illegal distilling and smuggling were rampant. Despite the risks, Key West residents continued to produce their own rum, passing down the tradition through generations of families. The island's isolation and lack of law enforcement made it an ideal location for rum-runners to transport their goods to the mainland. The island's rum-making culture grew as a result of this trade, with families producing their own rum to trade with other islanders.

During the prohibition era, rum-making became even more important as it became one of the few sources of income for islanders. Rum was produced in hidden stills and then smuggled to other parts of the country. The industry flourished, with locals developing their own recipes and distilling techniques.

However, rum production was not without its challenges. In 1919, the U.S. government passed the Volstead Act, which prohibited the production, sale, and transport of alcohol. The law remained in effect until 1933, making rum production illegal for over a decade. Hurricanes and other natural disasters also posed a constant threat to the industry, destroying crops and distilleries.

The Road to Legalization

Despite the challenges, Key West residents continued to produce their own rum, even after prohibition was lifted. However, it wasn't until 2013 that the first legal rum distillery in Key West was granted a license to produce rum. This was a significant moment in the island's history, marking the end of an era of illegal distilling and smuggling and the beginning of a new era of legal, artisanal rum production.

The road to legalization was a long and complicated process. Local entrepreneurs and enthusiasts had been pushing for the legalization of rum production for years, but it required the support of local lawmakers and a significant investment of time and money.

One of the biggest hurdles was changing state laws. Prior to the passing of a 2013 state law, distilleries in Florida were required to sell their products to distributors, who then sold them to retailers. This "three-tier system" made it difficult for small distilleries to compete with larger brands and made it challenging for consumers to access craft spirits.

However, in 2013, the state of Florida passed a law that allowed distilleries to sell their products directly to consumers. This was a game-changer for the rum industry in Key West and paved the way for the launch of the first legal rum distillery on the island.

The founders of the first legal rum distillery in Key West were committed to creating a product that reflected the island's unique culture and heritage. They sourced local ingredients, including Florida sugarcane and sea salt, and used traditional techniques to create a rum that was complex, nuanced, and distinctly Key West.

Crafting the Perfect Spirit

The distillery's founders were committed to crafting a product that reflected the island's unique history and culture. They wanted to create a rum that was smooth, well-balanced, and complex, with a flavor profile that reflected the island's unique climate and environment.

To achieve this, they sourced local ingredients, including Florida sugarcane and sea salt. They also used traditional techniques, including open fermentation and copper pot still distillation, to create a rum that was nuanced and flavorful. The rum is crafted in small batches, and the distillery takes great care to ensure that each batch meets the high standards of quality and taste.

The result is a rum that is smooth and well-balanced, with notes of vanilla, caramel, and spice. It is a complex spirit that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, whether sipped neat or on the rocks, or used as a base for a variety of cocktails.

A Versatile Spirit for Every Occasion

Key West's First Legal Rum is a versatile spirit that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. It can be sipped neat or on the rocks, or it can be used as a base for a variety of cocktails, including classic daiquiris, mojitos, and rum punches. Its complex flavor profile makes it a perfect addition to any bar, and it has quickly become a favorite among bartenders and mixologists.

In addition to its versatility, Key West's First Legal Rum is also a sustainable spirit. The distillery uses local ingredients and works to reduce its carbon footprint through practices such as using solar power to heat the distillery.

Putting Key West on the Map

The launch of Key West's First Legal Rum has put the island on the map as a destination for lovers of craft spirits. The product has garnered significant media attention and has received accolades from industry experts and enthusiasts alike. It celebrates the ingenuity and perseverance of the island's residents and highlights their commitment to preserving the island's culture and heritage. The rum is a testament to the spirit of Key West, and it is sure to be enjoyed for generations to come.


The launch of Key West's First Legal Rum marks a significant milestone in the island's rich history of rum-making. Despite numerous challenges and setbacks, including prohibition and natural disasters, Key West residents persisted in their pursuit of creating the perfect spirit that reflects the island's unique culture and heritage. The legalization of rum production and the launch of the first legal rum distillery in Key West has put the island on the map as a destination for lovers of craft spirits, and the product has received significant media attention and acclaim. Key West's First Legal Rum is not only a versatile and sustainable spirit, but it is also a testament to the ingenuity and perseverance of the island's residents and their commitment to preserving their culture and history for generations to come.

John Wick
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