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How to Resolve QuickBooks Error Code 6129?

Levin Smith
How to Resolve QuickBooks Error Code 6129?

Want to learn the steps to get rid of the QuickBooks error 6129? If yes, then reading this post will surely help. QuickBooks Error Code 6129 occurs generally due to the failure of database connection verification. It also might happen due to some damaged company files. It occurs on the screen stating: “Database Connection verification failure.” This error is also seen when you are trying to access a company file or when your database connection fails. This problem comes in both modes that are single user and multi-user. To learn more about such an error in QuickBooks, make sure to read this post till the end.

What factors trigger such QuickBooks error code 6129?

The below-stated factors can cause this issue in QuickBooks. Let us have a look:

  • Some antivirus restricting the process to create a new company file can be a common trigger.
  • Or the system might have any corrupted and damaged files with the .nd extension.
  • Any malfunction in the system operation might also lead to this type of error.
  • Uninstallation of the application.
  • The invalid entries in the Windows registry
  • QuickBooks Error 6129 can also occur due to the improper shutdown of the system during a power cut-out.
See also: QuickBooks stopped working or not responding error

Steps to eliminate this issue in QuickBooks

The user can get rid of this issue by updating the software to the latest version using the steps listed below.

  • The very first step is to open the QuickBooks desktop and then search for the Help option on the menu.
  • After that choose Update QuickBooks Desktop.
  • Now, head to the Update Now tab.
  • The user is then required to get Updates to start the download.
  • Restart the QuickBooks desktop.
  • Perform the onscreen instructions on the PC screen and accept the option to install the new release.
Read Also: QuickBooks Database Server Manager

Still unable to eliminate the QuickBooks error code 6129? Well, if that is the case, then contacting our tech support team at +1-888-351-0999 is something that we recommend. We are a team of certified QuickBooks professionals who work round the clock in providing instant support services. Our QuickBooks Premier Support experts and professionals have years of experience and expertise in fixing any sort of issues experienced while working on QuickBooks accounting software.

Levin Smith
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