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The Rock 'n Play Sleeper Lawsuit Exposes Dangers and Deception

Zara Torres
The Rock 'n Play Sleeper Lawsuit Exposes Dangers and Deception


The Rock 'n Play Sleeper, a popular infant sleep product manufactured by Fisher-Price, has been the subject of significant controversy, recalls, and lawsuits due to its association with numerous infant fatalities and injuries.

The inclined sleeper, designed to hold babies at a 30-degree angle while they sleep, has been implicated since 2009. This alarming situation has led to the recall of Rock 'n Play Sleepers as well as a series of lawsuits filed against Fisher-Price and its parent company, Mattel, alleging that the companies were aware of the potential hazards of the product but failed to warn consumers or take appropriate action.

On April, 2019, Fisher-Price and the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued a joint warning advising parents to discontinue using the Rock 'n Play Sleeper for infants aged three months or older, or as soon as the child exhibits rollover capabilities. However, this warning was met with criticism from various quarters, including the AAP, which argued that the product should be recalled entirely as it was dangerous for infants of all ages. 

Finally, on April 15, 2019, Fisher-Price announced a voluntary recall of all models of the Rock 'n Play Sleeper, urging consumers to stop using the product immediately and contact the company for a refund. The recall covered approximately 4.7 million units sold in the United States since the product's introduction in 2009.

The recall and mounting evidence against the safety of the Rock 'n Play Sleeper have led to numerous lawsuits filed against Fisher-Price. Plaintiffs in these cases allege that the companies were aware of the risks associated with the product but failed to act in the best interests of consumers by either redesigning the sleeper or providing adequate warnings about its potential dangers.

In addition to the individual lawsuits, a class-action lawsuit has been filed against Fisher-Price, representing numerous affected families. The class-action suit seeks compensation for the families' losses and punitive damages to hold the companies accountable for their alleged negligence and misconduct.

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The case serves as a reminder for parents, caregivers, and manufacturers to prioritize the safety and well-being of the most vulnerable members of society, and it underscores the need for greater scrutiny and oversight of baby products to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. You can read more product liability blogs like heater-cooler infection, sunscreen lawsuits, and Tepezza lawsuits from our site.






Zara Torres
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