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Steps To Solve | Brother Printer Offline On Mac

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Steps To Solve | Brother Printer Offline On Mac

Steps to Fix Brother Printer Offline On Mac:

It is very frustrating and annoying when you try to print something and suddenly Brother printer offline on Mac error appears. Follow the below steps to rectify the Brother printer offline Mac error. 

1. Check that the Brother printer is connected to the Mac:

Make sure that your Brother printer is properly connected to the Mac device. If you are using a USB cable, then check that the cable is properly and directly connected to the printer and the Mac. And for ethernet connection, the cable must be connected to the printer and the router. For a wireless connection, check the IP address by printing the ‘network configuration page.’ This might will help you to bring the brother printer offline on Mac.

2. Check the printer status:

It might also be possible that you set your printer status as ‘pause’ and that is the reason the printer is showing offline on Mac. In order to get your printer online, tap on the printer icon and click on the “open printer queue” option. After this, tap on the printer status at the top of the menu bar and press the button “resume.”

3. Check that you have installed the right printer driver:

Printers require drivers to work smoothly and make sure that you have installed the right printer driver on your Brother printer. Installing the right driver will prevent your printer to go offline. In order to download the driver follow the below steps:

  • Visit the Apple menu and click on the system preference option.
  • Then click on “print and scan.”
  • Choose a Brother printer from the printer section.
  • After this, check the printer driver which you have.

And if the printer drivers are selected as AirPrint, then you have to add the CPU’s driver to the Mac as well. Go through the below steps.

  • Open the Apple menu, and go to the system preference option.
  • Click on “print and scan” or “printer and scanner” and click on the plus icon(+).
  • Click on the default icon, located at the top of the dialog box.
  • After this, choose your Brother printer from the list.
  • From the list, select “XX+ CPU” where X is the name of the model.
  • Then again, click on “add” and you will be able to see your printer in the printer section.
  • At last, exit from the Apple menu by clicking on the “Quit system preference” option.

Install Brother Printer | +1-855-277-9993
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