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Best Guide To Solve Brother Printer Offline Mac Issue

Albert Howell
Best Guide To Solve Brother Printer Offline Mac Issue

Brother Printer Offline Mac is a very common issue, that users usually face. But most of the users are not familiar with What makes a Brother printer go offline? So, here are the reasons and techniques to fix the Brother Printer Offline Mac issue. Brother is a well-known brand of printer that manufacture varieties of the printer. But sometimes due to many reasons, it is unable to perform its functions adequately. This leads to several problems, and Brother Printer Offline Mac is one of them. 

Reasons for Brother Printer Offline Mac:

The following are the common causes that can cause Brother Printer Error 04:

  • The printer isn’t getting the appropriate power supply.
  • You might have installed an incorrect printer driver.
  • It might not be linked to the network.
  • Your Brother printer isn’t set as the default printer.
  • The printer might have outdated firmware.
  • The printer status might be set as offline.

Guides to fix  Brother Printer Offline Mac:

  • First, check all the cables connection of the brother printer and router, and laptop as well.
  • Then make sure that the cables are inserted properly with the printer. And the power is on.
  • After this, look for any paper jam in the paper tray, if there is any stuck paper then remove it and aligned the papers neatly in the paper tray.
  • Now you have o reset the connection with the Mac and look for any available updates. 
  • Then you need to click on device choices and from the menu click on the “print and test” option.
  • After this, press the ctrl and plus sign keys and add your printer.
  • Lastly, choose a document that you want to print.

Sum up:

Brother printers are nicely-built and provide high page yields and their ink or toner cartridges demand less replacing. It is known for its outstanding quality and components. Go through the above method step by step and certainly, you will be able to fix Brother Printer Offline Mac.

Albert Howell
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