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Benefits of Using Organic Fertilizers

Eco Whizz
Benefits of Using Organic Fertilizers

More and more people are switching out their fertilizers for a more natural and organic alternative. Not only is it the more environmentally friendly choice, but there are also so many benefits that organic fertilizers South Africa have to offer to your plants.

What are Organic Fertilzers?

 Organic Fertilizers are naturally produced and are a mineral source that contains plant essential nutrients with zero chemicals. They gradually release the nutrients into the soil and promote healthy plant and crop growth. Using an Organic fertilizer is much safer than chemical fertilizers, and benefits not only your plants but the soil too.

Benefits of Using Organic Fertilizers


Using an organic fertilizer can offer you benefits such as:

1.     Provides the necessary nutrients for healthy and effective plant growth

2.     Less likely to over fertilize your plants

3.     Gentler on your plants than chemical fertilizers

4.     Assists soil to lock in nutrients and moisture

5.     Improves and maintains soil structure and fertility

6.     Increases the quality and yield of crops and plants

7.     100% natural

8.     Reduces the need for pesticides

9.     Less watering required

10. Prevents leaf or root burning

Chemical vs. Organic Fertilizers


An organic fertilizer is made from living organism materials, whereas chemical fertilizers are made from synthetic materials.

Although chemical fertilizers are often the cheaper option between the two, an organic fertilizer ends up being the more cost effective option. This is because it requires you to fertilize less, and often use less product when doing so.

Organic fertilizer is also the safer option as it contains none of the harmful chemicals usually found in chemical fertilizers, making it safe for you and those around you.

Where Can I Purchase Organic Fertilizer?

You can find organic fertilizers in most Rooibos Tea South Africa as well as the rest of the world.

At EcoWhizz, we distribute a 100% natural and organic fertilizer manufactured in Germany, known as PlantosVerde.

PlantosVerde is not only pet friendly and completely odourless, but improves the overall health of your plants. It also has a great area coverage of 3333m2 per kg, allowing you to fertilize a medium sized garden for an entire year.

You can purchase PlantosVerde directly from our website. Get yours today!


Eco Whizz
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