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The Enduring Appeal of Robert Smith: Why The Cure's Frontman Continues to Inspire New Generations

The Enduring Appeal of Robert Smith: Why The Cure's Frontman Continues to Inspire New Generations

Ticketmaster is a well-known platform that provides ticketing services for various events, including concerts, sports games, and theater shows. While the platform provides a convenient and reliable way to purchase tickets, one of the most common complaints about Ticketmaster is its fees. These fees can significantly increase the overall cost of tickets and have been a source of controversy for many years. Ticketmaster charges several fees for its services, including a service fee, a facility fee, a processing fee, and a delivery fee. These fees can vary depending on the event, ticket price, and venue location. While some of these fees are necessary to cover the costs of providing ticketing services, many customers feel that the fees are excessive and unfair. Despite the criticism, Ticketmaster remains a popular platform for purchasing tickets for various events, and its fees continue to be a topic of discussion among customers and industry professionals alike. The Cure’s Robert Smith has taken a stand against Ticketmaster’s fees, calling them “a disgrace. ”Smith made the comments in an interview with the BBC, in which he spoke about the high fees that Ticketmaster charges for tickets to the band’s upcoming UK tour.

“I find it a disgrace that Ticketmaster are charging £40 [$50] to see us play,” Smith said. “I think it’s a disgrace that they’re allowed to get away with it .”Smith went on to say that he believes the fees are “unfair” and “scandalous,” and that they are preventing fans from seeing the band live. “It’s unfair, it’s scandalous. ”Ticketmaster has come under fire in recent years for the high fees that it charges for tickets to live events. The company has defended its fees, saying that they are necessary to cover the cost of running its business. Smith’s comments come as the Cure prepares to embark on a UK tour, which will see the band play shows in London, Manchester, and Glasgow.


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