Having looked at the business model, they operate in a gray area. They have a so-so product and in order to access it you must be recruited and recruit others into the program. No one can buy it at retail if they aren’t a member. That can become a problem in the eyes of the FTC. This type of business is your typical biz opp setup. They have a mediocre product and focus mainly on the recruitment of new people into the business to replicate the same thing. It doesn’t mean that you can’t make money from a program like this, but it’s not the best way I would choose. I’ve been in many programs like this in the past and all of them have been shut down by the FTC. I’m not saying that Exitus Elite will meet the same fate, but they are definitely treading on dangerous territory. It’s always better to get into a business that you can control 100% and has 0 chances of getting your income taken away from you.
The founders of Exitus Elite certainly did a great job making their offer appear legit, but upon closer inspection, it's apparent that the entire business is just centered around recruitment and getting others to join so that you may gain from their membership fee. You may believe you've hit the jackpot when it comes to financial independence after discovering Exitus elite review, since the website talks about making plenty of fast cash, even if you have no prior experience. The founders of Exitus Elite certainly did a great job making their offer appear legit, but upon closer inspection, it's apparent that the entire business is just centered around recruitment and getting others to join so that you may gain from their membership fee.
The founders of Exitus Elite certainly did a great job making their offer appear legit, but upon closer inspection, it's apparent that the entire business is just centered around recruitment and getting others to join so that you may gain from their membership fee. While you can make money from these types of biz opps, the FTC has been on a rampage and has closed down many online businesses that look even remotely similar to a setup like this. According to the website, Exitus Elite is for everyone. Anyone who wants to get rich online and wants to use a system to do it. However, the truth is that the only person this business can benefit is someone who has capital to spend and past marketing knowledge. Anyone trying to make money online but has no budget to do so will find it difficult to operate this scheme since they may not have the $299 enrolment fee or $1,000 required to purchase products on offer. It isn’t for everyone!
Exitus Elite is quite a young start-up that was created 5 years ago by Dr. John McManus and Paul Stevenson. You may believe you've hit the jackpot when it comes to financial independence after discovering Exitus Elite, since the website talks about making plenty of fast cash, even if you have no prior experience. Just be careful because this is merely to entice you to invest your hard-earned cash on the membership. The entire business model needs a closer inspection before actually diving in which we will cover in this review.