If you are tired of working out hard in the gym for longer hours and still not getting desired results then this means that your body demands something extra. For bulging muscles and to increase the mass in muscles they need lot of protein.

But the reality is that being underweight can cause health problems.❍ Improvement in Weight GainFat is always held responsible for causing people to be overweight and obese.
In fact, the breaking down of carbohydrates and storing energy (calories) in the form of fat is good.Stored energy from fat helps one to get through an exhausting job or workout.
It plays a key role in brain development, and in preventing inflammation (swelling) and blood clots.
Fat helps in Growing healthy skin and hair, as well.One can determine whether one is underweight by using a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator.
If one’s BMI is less than 18.5, one is underweight.
Even if the fat, sugar, and salt in junk food don’t result in extra weight, it can still harm our body.❍ For improving weight gain, the following tips can help❍ Add Healthy Calories to Gain WeightOne doesn’t need to drastically change the diet.

How To Gain Muscle Mass Fast How To Gain Muscle Mass Fast At Home With The Least Supplements Figure 1.
How To Gain Muscle Mass Fast Muscle gain is generally considered an easily achievable task as people believe that eating some carbs and lifting some weight would do for that.
But when you are actually into it, you will notice that after some initial muscle buildup in a month or two, the body will stop showing any progress in the direction.This has a reason:To build up more muscles, the body requires more diet and more efforts.But it is not that easy to keep increasing your diet as well as keep increasing more weight on lifting machines as it has its limits.
But there are some techniques and specific programs that you can gain muscles without consuming steroids or supplements if you follow.This includes certain food items and exercises that will give your muscle buildup an extra boost required to break the threshold and begin muscle gain once again.
Let’s start with the food items first and then discuss the exercises in the context.FOOD HABITS AND INGREDIENTS FOR MUSCLE GAIN AT HOMEFigure 2.
Besides protein, you will find B vitamin as well.If you are concerned about increasing weight with muscle gain, you can choose fast-digesting foods like Greek yoghurt, a dairy item full of protein but only helps in lean muscle gain.Soybean is a food item that supplies protein, unsaturated fats and vitamin K and iron.