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Home Blood Collection Services in Guwahati: Safe and Reliable

Dr. Prabir Kumar Bardalai
Home Blood Collection Services in Guwahati: Safe and Reliable

For many people, getting a blood test can be a hassle. Scheduling appointments, waiting in long lines, and dealing with the stress of visiting a medical facility can be overwhelming. Luckily, some hospitals in Guwahati now allow patients to have their blood collection from home, without the need to travel or wait in line.

Blood Collection from Home

The process of having blood collected from home is simple and convenient. Patients can schedule an appointment with a home blood collection service provider and a trained phlebotomist will come to their door. The phlebotomist will bring all the necessary equipment, including sterile needles, gloves, and tubes, to collect the required blood samples.

Before the collection process, the phlebotomist will verify the patient's details, including their name, age, and sex. The phlebotomist will also explain the procedure and answer any questions the patient may have.

Once the patient is ready, the phlebotomist will clean the area where the blood will be collected, usually the forearm or the back of the hand. The phlebotomist will then insert the needle into a vein and collect the required amount of blood into the tubes. This process usually takes less than five minutes.

The collected blood is then labeled and transported safely to a laboratory for testing.

Blood Test at Home Guwahati

Home blood collection services can offer a range of different tests and panels, including:

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)
  • Lipid Profile
  • Thyroid Profile
  • Liver Function Test (LFT)
  • Kidney Function Test (KFT)
  • Blood Sugar Test

Patients can request specific tests or panels, or follow the recommendations of their healthcare professional.

Home blood collection services in Guwahati are reliable and safe. Their phlebotomists are trained professionals who follow strict safety protocols, including using sterile equipment and gloves, cleaning the collection area properly, and disposing of all used equipment in a safe and hygienic manner. These services are also licensed and regulated by the government, ensuring high standards of quality and safety.

The Benefits of Home Blood Collection

Home blood collection services offer several benefits over traditional blood collection methods, including:

  • Convenience: Patients can schedule an appointment at their convenience, without disrupting their daily routine.
  • Reduced Stress: Patients can avoid the stress associated with visiting a medical facility, including long wait times and the fear of exposure to infections.
  • Privacy: Patients can have their blood collected in the privacy of their own home, without the need to share personal information with others.
  • Cost-Effective: Many home blood collection services offer affordable rates, saving patients money on transportation costs and other expenses associated with traditional blood collection methods.


Home blood collection services in Guwahati offer a safe and reliable way for patients to have their blood collected and tested without leaving their homes. With convenient scheduling, trained phlebotomists, a range of tests available, and several benefits over traditional blood collection methods, these services are becoming increasingly popular.

Whether you are looking to schedule a routine blood test or need to monitor a specific condition, home blood collection in Guwahati can offer a convenient and stress-free solution to your blood collection needs.

Dr. Prabir Kumar Bardalai
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