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Click Speed Test - The Ultimate Click Speed Test

Click Speed Test

If you want to know the number of mouse clicks you can make in a second, you need to take the Click Per Second Test. Once you take the test, you will understand how fast your fingers are on the mouse.

Usually, the test has different time variations starting from one second to a hundred seconds. The default time set is five seconds, but you can choose the time according to your convenience.

Click Speed Test Game – Challenge Yourself

To become a pro, you need to challenge yourself by mouse-clicking. You can take the test based on various time variations. There are various websites where you can take the Clicks Per Second Test.

It helps you increase the number of clicks per second to be faster during games. Therefore, if your clicks per second are between one and three, you must practice a lot on the Click Speed Test Game.

Therefore, you need to increase your clicks between five to ten in a second. It may seem daunting, but if you practice daily for at least ten minutes, you can elevate your mouse-clicking speed considerably.

Mobile Friendly and Social Sharing

One of the valuable methods to make the speed-clicking game popular is to share it among your friends and loved ones.

You can send them screenshots of the CPS test through any social networking site, and thus, it will create an interest among your friends and loved ones to try the CPS test.

Preparing for the Click Speed Test

An internet connection is one of the prime requirements of a CPS speed check. If the connection is good, you will be able to take the test, and the results will also be accurate.

Moreover, it would be best if you had a proper mouse with soft and smooth clicks. It is, therefore, advisable to opt for a gaming mouse when you are opting for a mouse click test game.

It is because your speed in mouse-clicking depends on the placement of the mouse and how comfortable you are while performing the mouse-clicks.

How to Improve Clicks Per Second?

If you want to increase your speed in mouse-clicking, there are various options. However, it would be best to practice daily to improve your performance in the number of clicks per second. Following are the options that will help you to improve clicks per second.

1. Use Drag Clicking

Drag Clicking is one of the best methods that will help you to improve the speed of your mouse clicks. It is one of the fastest techniques considering your finger and mouse movement.

In drag clicking, you must drag to the target as fast as possible. It would be best if you made as many clicks as possible to earn points during the process. The speed is calculated on the number of mouse clicks you make in one second.

2. Use Jitter Clicking Technique

Jitter clicking is tricky as it involves your arms and wrist while clicking the mouse. Moreover, it would be best if you were in the correct posture to practice Jitter clicking else. It may lead to muscle cramps and other situations.

However, once you master the process, the mouse-clicking process becomes easy and smooth. It is helpful for those who want to become a pro in gaming. It is because the faster you click, the more you will win.

3. Use the Butterfly Clicking Technique

With the help of Butterfly clicking, you can increase the speed of mouse clicks insanely. You can compete in any digital games if you practice Butterfly clicking regularly.

It is one of the most popular methods to become an efficient gamer. Once you master Butterfly clicking, you can perform fifteen to twenty-five clicks per second.

Why CPS Check Test? How is It Helpful?

With the help of the CPS check test, you will understand your mouse-clicking speed. It is the number of mouse clicks you make in a given period. To know the speed of your mouse click, you need to divide the total number of clicks by the time taken.

The resulting output will be your speed. Various websites will help you gradually practice your mouse clicks to develop a high speed in mouse-clicking.

One of the prime reasons to attain high mouse-clicking speed is that you can contest in online games. Usually, a speed of five to seven clicks per second is favorable, but if you want to emerge a winner, a minimum of ten clicks per second is necessary.

Hence, practicing the click speed test game for at least ten to fifteen minutes each day is necessary. There are various types of clicking methods that you can choose according to your convenience.

Importance of Click Speed in Minecraft PvP

One of the prime necessities of playing the Minecraft game is speed. If your speed is even average, you will not be able to stay in the competition.

Hence, it would be best to increase your mouse-clicking speed to a level where you can stand somewhere in the game. It is essential to have excellent clicking skills in Minecraft PvP because you need to make the maximum clicks in a given period.

You cannot give time to your opponent to hit back, as it will bring your chance to a level of elimination.

Therefore, it becomes necessary that you make the maximum clicks in the given time duration so that your opponent does not have a chance to hit back. Following are some benefits you will attain with a good clicking speed.

Different Types of Clicking Methods

There are various types of Mouse click test games that you will find on the internet, and you can choose them accordingly.

1. Regular Clicking

Regular Clicking is the standard method that we use in our daily life. If you are a regular clicker, you can attain a score of at least four to six clicks in a second.

But more than the speed is needed for those who want to play online games professionally. One of the features of regular Clicking is that you click the mouse button every day.

However, increasing your speed in mouse clicks is not the correct process. Therefore, if you want to play competitive games, you must increase your speed using other methods.

One of the advantages of regular Clicking is that it frees the finger muscles and makes them convenient to increase mouse-clicking activities.

2. Butterfly Clicking

Butterfly clicking is better than regular Clicking as it helps you to increase the speed of your mouse clicks in a given period. The advantage of the Butterfly clicking method is that you will be using two fingers for clicking.

Hence, you can use the fingers alternatively, thus increasing the number of clicks per second. It is one of the most popular ways to increase speed and stay in competition. With the help of the two-finger technique, you will be able to enhance your score.

Therefore, you can hit the target when you play in real-time. It can lead to your win in the game. However, to stay in the competition, you must have a minimum of twenty-five clicks per second. Thus, using two fingers is a common way to increase your CPS Test scores.

3. Drag Clicking

Drag Clicking is one of the best ways to increase mouse-clicking speed so you can score the highest in any online game.

It helps you to attain one of the highest scores in the game, as players with fewer techniques will not be able to match your speed.

The method involves dragging and clicking in rapid succession. The more you click faster, the higher your points. It is one of the valuable methods to win any online game.

4. Jitter Clicking

Jitter Clicking is primarily for those who want to become professional gamers. In Jitter clicking, your arms and wrists are also used along with your index finger.

In the initial stages, it becomes tough to use Jitter clicking as it involves a lot of pressure on your hands. However, once you master the method, it becomes easy and convenient.

Those who adapted to jitter-clicking have a great chance of winning the games. However, you must ensure that your hand has the correct posture while performing Jitter clicking; otherwise, you may end up straining your arm muscles.


It is essential to have a good clicking speed if you want to participate in any gaming activity. However, it would be best to practice your mouse-clicking speed below five, and you need to increase the speed to ten to stay in the competition.

Moreover, it would be best to have a proper gaming mouse to make maximum clicks in a given period.

Click Speed Test
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