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Dr Hurtado Dentist CA
Dr Hurtado Dentist CA

At Dr. Hurtado Dentistry, we want to see you smile. If you're looking for a Santa Barbara Dentist that offers gentle, personalized attention for every member of your family, find out why so many people trust us with all of their dental care needs.

Dr. Alejandro Hurtado and his dedicated team of dental professionals offer a full range of services to keep your smile radiant and healthy. Our focus is patient-centered, where you are the most important role player. We provide individualized care that you can trust. Our beautiful Santa Barbara office can provide you with cleanings, braces, dental emergencies, restorations, and cosmetic work.

We are committed to the Santa Barbara community, and are eager to help you make informed decisions regarding your dental health. We want every visit you make to the dentist to be fruitful and helpful, so that you trust us enough to recommend your friends and family.SANTA BARBARA DENTIST ALEJANDRO HURTADO

At our dentist office we maintain focus on our Santa Barbara patient's needs. In our office, you are the most important contributor to your dental health and we take the time to get to know you and your smile. Your ongoing dental health requires diligence from a dentist who understands every patient has a unique set of needs and priorities.

  •  At our dental office, we offer a personalized, holistic approach to dentistry, focusing on attention to detail
  • Find out more about our comprehensive line of cosmetic dental services
  • Enjoy twice a year Santa Barbara dental cleanings for everyone in your family
  • We will handle all emergency dental concerns as quickly as possible

Dentist Alejandro Hurtado

We are highly trained professionals and all of our dental equipment is clean, maintained, and modern. This makes it possible for your dentist to offer a complete array of contemporary services, including cosmetic dentistry and problem-focused treatment.

If you're looking for a Santa Barbara dentist that offers a holistic approach to dentistry, you've come to the right place.

Cleanings & Prevention


Your smile speaks before you ever say a word. In recent years, Santa Barbara cosmetic dentistry has seen a dramatic upswing in interest. The reasons for this are obvious - because everyone understands the value of a healthy, bright, and beautiful smile.

Modern advances in cosmetic dentistry make it possible to improve dental health and appearance with painless procedures that are surprisingly quick and affordable. Dr. Hurtado is a Santa Barbara cosmetic dentistry professional who specializes in treatments that include:

  • Changing the shape, size, and alignment of teeth
  • Adjusting bites
  • Filling in spaces between teeth and replacing missing teeth
  • Tooth whitening and brightening
  • Repair of broken, decayed, chipped, or cracked teeth
  • Replace old, unattractive dental treatments
  • Porcelain Crowns
  • Braces, Clear Braces, Invisalign

If you have questions about any Santa Barbara cosmetic dentistry services, please contact our dental office to find out more information.

Tooth whitening is an especially popular Santa Barbara cosmetic dentistry service we make available to our patients. Our dentist's office is proud to offer Zoom Teeth, whitening, and take-home tooth whitening treatments.



You should view your Santa Barbara dentist like a family doctor for your dental hygiene, oral health, and attractive smile. Whether getting a regular checkup or an emergency procedure, it makes sense to trust a professional who knows your situation and dental history.

By offering comprehensive dental services to patients of all ages, you and your family can enjoy long-term dental health that only comes with personal attention focused solely on your particular needs.

What follows is a brief overview of the services offered at our Santa Barbara dental office:


Address: 605 State St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 United States             

Work hours: Sun-Sat: Closed, Monday, 10 AM–6 PM, Tue-Fri 9 AM–5:30 PM

Main Phone: (805) 963-4296

Mail: drhurtado@usa.net

Website: http://www.drhurtado.com/

Google: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=12413886434402215445

Dr Hurtado Dentist CA
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