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Detect Glyphosate in Drinking Water with our Safe Home® Glyphosate Test Kit!

Safe Home®
Detect Glyphosate in Drinking Water with our Safe Home® Glyphosate Test Kit!

[27.02.2024, Madison, Indiana]

As spring planting season approaches, farmers across the country prepare to apply various herbicides that contain glyphosate which has raised concerns due to its carcinogenic properties. 

Glyphosate, a key ingredient in many herbicides, has come under scrutiny for its potential to seep into groundwater and surface water, posing health risks to humans, animals, and the environment. Glyphosate is also found in over 1,700 additional products sold throughout the USA. 

Glyphosate, commonly known by brand names such as Roundup, is one of the most widely used herbicides in the world. Its broad-spectrum effectiveness has made it a staple in agricultural practices, mainly cultivating genetically modified crops. However, recent studies have linked glyphosate exposure to various health issues, including cancer, reproductive problems, and disruption of the endocrine system. 

Glyphosate poses a significant threat to water supplies as it can easily penetrate the soil and leach into groundwater, contaminating drinking water sources. Additionally, surface runoff from agricultural fields treated with glyphosate can carry the chemical into rivers, lakes, and streams, further increasing the risk of water contamination. Exposure to even low levels of glyphosate has been linked to adverse health effects.

In light of these concerns, Safe Home® urges individuals to take proactive steps to test their drinking water, so if contaminants like Glyphosate exist, they can take corrective action. Safe Home® stands at the forefront of ensuring drinking water safety for households nationwide. That’s why we offer our Safe Home’s Safe Water Test Kit for Glyphosate, with testing at our EPA-certified laboratory. Simply collect your water sample, send it to our lab, and we will email you the test results within 10 business days. 

While glyphosate is certainly a concern in drinking water, there are over 7,000 possible contaminants that could threaten water supplies. That’s why Safe Home® offers broad-spectrum testing for over 200 different parameters with its award-winning Safe Home® Ultimate Water Test Kit (testing at our EPA-certified lab).

Trusted by leading experts and publications, including Good Housekeeping and The New York Times, The Safe Home® Glyphosate Test Kit covers comprehensive testing for bacteria, heavy metals, physical properties, inorganics, volatile organics, and semi-volatile organics. This kind of testing allows individuals to identify and address potential contaminants before they threaten their health. Then Safe Home® provides guidance to options for treating your water contaminant problems.

About Safe Home®

We are a leading provider of Safe Home® Water Test Kits for testing your home’s environment (drinking water, mold, radon, lead and more). Safe Home® has a commitment to accuracy, reliability, and customer satisfaction and empowers individuals to take control of their water quality and make informed decisions to protect their families' health.

For inquiries, please contact us through the number and E-mail ID provided below:

Email: [email protected]

Call: 888-932-6699

Stay Connected with Safe Home®:

Website: https://safehometestkits.com/

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.envirotestkits/

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