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Finding the Right Spine Doctor in Chembur: A Guide to Expert Care with Dr. Sheetal Mohite

Mangal Anand Hospital
Finding the Right Spine Doctor in Chembur: A Guide to Expert Care with Dr. Sheetal Mohite

If you're experiencing back pain or spine issues, finding the right specialist is crucial for your health and well-being. In Chembur, Mumbai, those in need of expert spine care have a reliable and experienced option: Dr. Sheetal Bhujang Mohite. This blog aims to guide you through the services and expertise offered by Dr. Mohite, renowned as the leading spine doctor in Chembur.

About Dr. Sheetal Mohite:

Dr. Sheetal Mohite stands out in the field of spine health with an extensive background in orthopedics. Holding degrees of M.B.B.S. and DNB in orthopedics, Dr. Mohite has been pioneering spine surgery since 2007. His clinic, located in the heart of Chembur, has become a beacon of hope for patients suffering from various spinal conditions.

Dr. Mohite’s expertise spans a wide range of spinal procedures, including cervical disc replacement surgery, vertebroplasty, and microscopic decompression. He is dedicated to providing personalized care and advanced surgical solutions, ensuring his patients receive the best possible outcomes.

Why Choose Dr. Mohite as Your Spine Doctor in Chembur?

Choosing Dr. Mohite means opting for a spine specialist who combines advanced medical knowledge with compassionate care. His approach is patient-centric, focusing on understanding each individual's unique condition and crafting tailored treatment plans. His proficiency in the latest spine surgery techniques and pain management strategies makes him the preferred spine doctor in Chembur for those seeking quality care.

Specialized Treatments and Services:

Patients visiting Dr. Mohite can expect a comprehensive range of spine-related treatments and services. From addressing spine mobilization and neck pain to treating more complex conditions like sciatica, stenosis, and listhesis, Dr. Mohite ensures all aspects of spine health are covered.

Patient-Centric Approach:

What sets Dr. Mohite apart is his commitment to his patients. He believes in demystifying spine surgery and empowering his patients through education and support. As a trustee of the Spine Foundation, his mission extends beyond the clinic, aiming to reach every patient in need of spine care.

Clinic Location and Details:

Dr. Mohite’s clinic is conveniently located at Room No. 205, Mangal Anand Health Care Ltd., 48, Sion-TTrombay Rd., Swastik Park, Chembur, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400071. The clinic's prime location in Chembur makes it easily accessible for patients across Mumbai.

Phone number: 07021218182

Google Coordinates for easy navigation: 19.05656360, 72.89060120.

CID number for direct search assistance: 10921687398568682829.

For a more immersive experience, you can view the clinic’s location and surroundings through the provided GMB Embed code:

<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d241354.4408675964!2d72.58573059453124!3d19.056563599999993!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x3be7c9661914ee4f%3A0x9791a0d2cb8be54d!2sDr.%20Sheetal%20Mohite%20-%20Orthopedic%20Spine%20Surgeon%20in%20Chembur%20%2C%20Spine%20Specialist%20Doctor%20in%20Chembur%20%2C%20Back%20Bone%20Doctor%20in%20Chembur!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sin!4v1711100390622!5m2!1sen!2sin" width="600" height="450" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade"></iframe>

When it comes to addressing your spine health, choosing the right doctor is paramount. Dr. Sheetal Mohite’s extensive training, patient-focused approach, and dedication to advancing spine care make him the go-to spine doctor in Chembur. Whether you are dealing with acute back pain or chronic spine conditions, Dr. Mohite and his team are equipped to provide you with the highest standard of care.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, reach out to Dr. Sheetal Mohite's clinic today and take the first step towards a healthier, pain-free.

Social Media and Other Useful Links:



Official Website: Explore in-depth information about Dr. Mohite's services and patient care philosophy.

Blogspot: Read Dr. Mohite's blog for insights and tips on maintaining a healthy spine.

Wixsite: Access additional details about the clinic and its spine care services.

Tumblr: Follow for more personal stories and experiences from the clinic.

Zupyak: Discover articles and posts focusing on spine health and treatments.

WordPress: Visit for more health tips and updates from Dr. Mohite.

Evernote: Access a collection of notes and informative pieces on spine wellness.

Google Sites: Visit the official Google Site for comprehensive information and resources.

Medium: Engage with more detailed articles and posts about spine health.

Strikingly: Find more resources and updates on spine care practices.

Jotpad: Check out brief notes and updates from Dr. Mohite’s clinic.

Behance: View visual content related to spine health and Dr. Mohite’s work.

Reddit: Join discussions and community support for spine health issues.

Penzu: Access a personal journal with more insights and stories related to spine care.

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Mangal Anand Hospital
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