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Ruby Ailcare Services

Ruby Ailcare
Ruby Ailcare Services

Established under the Public-Private Partnership model Ruby Ailcare makes quality healthcare, with highly skilled and renowned doctors and surgeons, standardized practices, state-of-the-art technology and high-end equipment available at the most affordable prices.

Working in tandem with government schemes like the Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayi Arogya Yojna, we are ensuring that the gap between the economic classes, when it comes to healthcare, is being permanently bridged. Never compromising the comfort and care necessary for the treatment and recovery for you and your loved ones.

Prevention is always better than cure. Know your body better and stay healthy for a happy future with our flexible check-up plans.

Choose either of the following economic check-up plans as per your medical history

  1. By Physician – Overall Consultation
  2. By Cardiologist – Only Cardiac
Routine Path. Tests
  1. Hemogram – HB, Blood Group
Diabetes Evaluation
  1. Blood Sugar / BSL – (F/PP)
  2. Blood Sugar / USL – (F/PP)
Lipid Profile
(with various ratios)
  1. Cholesterol
  2. LDL
  3. HDL
  4. Triglycerides
Renal (Kidney) Profile
  1. Urine Analysis – Routine & Micro
  2. Sr. Creatinine
Cardiac Profile
  1. ECG
  2. 2D – Echo / Color Doppler
  3. Stress Test (TMT) – Sos
  4. Pulse Oxymetry
Liver Function Test (LFT)
  1. Bilirubin – (T&D/ID)
  2. SGPT
  3. Alkaline Phosphates
Pulmonary Functions Tests (PFT)
  1. PEF, FEV, FVC
CT Scan Brain

Plain Study (without Contrast Dye)


Rs. 2000

Rs. 5000


  1. By Physician – Overall Consultation
  2. By Cardiologist – Only Cardiac
Routine Path. Tests
  1. Hemogram – HB, Blood Group
Diabetes Evaluation
  1. Blood Sugar (Fasting)
  2. Blood Sugar (PP)
Lipid Profile
(with various ratios)
  1. Cholesterol
  2. LDL
  3. HDL
  4. Triglycerides
Renal (Kidney) Profile
  1. Urine Analysis – Routine & Micro
  2. Sr. Creatinine
Cardiac Profile
  1. ECG
  2. 2D – Echo / Color Doppler
  3. Stress Test (TMT) – Sos
  4. Pulse Oxymetry


Ruby Ailcare
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