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Acrylic Paint: From Canvas to Mixed Media & Beyond

Cowling And wilcox
Acrylic Paint: From Canvas to Mixed Media & Beyond

Acrylic Paint combines vibrancy & versatility with a convenient quick-drying nature, making it clear to

see how it became by far the most popular & widely used medium today.

Although classically paired with canvas, their inherent flexibility allows for the use of a variety of

surfaces, providing endless creative opportunities.

So today, let’s take a quick look at just some of these opportunities & the different ways you can use

Acrylic Paint.


From realism to abstract expressionism, the canvas is the natural pairing for Acrylic Paint (or oil colors).

Specially developed to allow thicker mediums to rest atop the surface without soaking through, they

really highlight the smooth blending & sharp details achievable through Acrylic Paint.

Embracing Mixed Media

One huge benefit of adopting Acrylic Paint is its ability to be blended, layered & mixed with a variety

of alternative materials, making them perfect for experimenting with mixed media applications.

• Collage: Papers, cards, textiles & other similar materials naturally respond beautifully to Acrylic

Paint for exciting textures & finishes.

• Wood, Metal, Plastic, etc: Acrylic Paint comfortably sits atop both porous & non-porous

surfaces easily, allowing for complete creative freedom.

• Pouring: Requiring a specific medium (or pre-mixed Acrylic Paint) to achieve, this incredibly fun

technique creates truly unique liquid art with unpredictable patterns.

Choosing an Acrylic Paint for Mixed Media

When browsing, it’s important to understand there isn’t simply one type of “Acrylic Paint” out there,

but several varieties, such as:

• Fluid: Available individually from GOLDEN or as part of a System3 set from Daler-Rowney, these

are thinner than standard Acrylic Paint, ideal for fluid techniques or pouring.

• Heavy Body: Thicker & heavier, these provide incredible textures & impasto effects. Prominent

examples include the Liquitex & Sennelier Abstract ranges.

• Ink: Exactly as it sounds, these pair the consistency of inks with the properties of an Acrylic

Paint for vibrant, smooth colours great for washes, highlights & details. Available from both

Liquitex & the Daler-Rowney in various individual colours & sets.

• Marker: All the benefits of traditional Acrylic Paint with the control & specificity of an artist

marker. Popularised by the POSCA range from Uni, they’re also available through Liquitex & a

variety of other brands.

Try Different Things

To understand just what can be achieved through Acrylic Paint, we highly recommend

experimenting & trying new techniques as often as you can.

Adopt different surfaces, mediums, tools, textures, techniques, environments & more to see what feels

right to you. And remember, there’s no right or wrong.

So, grab some brushes, get creative & see just what you can do with Acrylic Paint today!

Cowling And wilcox
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