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Korean Men's 400m Relay, 2nd Place in Asian Relay


이정태(왼쪽), 김국영, 이재성, 고승환 등 한국 남자 400m 계주 대표팀이 지난해 10월3일 중국 항저우 올림픽스포츠센터에서 열린 2022 항저우아시안게임 남자 육상 400m 계주 결선을 3위로 통과한 뒤 기뻐하고 있다. 항저우/EPA 연합뉴스

Korean men's 400m relay, 2nd place in Asian relay... Continuing the challenge of going to the Olympics

You have to record a record better than 38.30 seconds to qualify for the Paris Olympics.

The Korean track and field men's 400m relay team took second place at the 1st Asian Relay Championships.

In the men's 400m relay final held in Thailand on the 21st (local time), the Korean team, led by Simon Lee (Anyang City Hall), Gukyoung Kim, Jaeseong Lee, and Seunghwan Ko (Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall), crossed the finish line in 39.93 seconds.

China won with a time of 39.71 seconds, and Hong Kong took third place with a time of 40.14 seconds.

On this day, heavy rain fell at the stadium, resulting in poor records. 카지노사이트탑

Although they won a silver medal, the Korean athletes failed to achieve their goal.

The Korean men's 400m relay team is challenging to qualify for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

The gate to Paris is very narrow.

A total of 16 teams will participate in the men's 400m relay at the Paris Olympics.

At the 2024 World Relay Championships held in Nassau, Bahamas on the 5th and 6th, 14 teams qualified for the Paris Olympics.

The eight teams that advanced to the finals (USA, Japan, Canada, Italy, China, France, England, Jamaica) and the six teams that passed the repechage round (South Africa, Ghana, Australia, Germany, Nigeria, Liberia) will advance to Paris. Confirmed.

At that time, Korea placed 4th out of 8 teams in Group 2 of the repechage match with a time of 39.17 seconds, missing out on the ticket to Paris that the 1st and 2nd places in the group receive.

The remaining two Olympic spots will be awarded to teams with good records between December 31, 2022 and June 30, 2024.

Among the countries that did not qualify for the Paris Olympics at the World Relay Championships, Brazil (38.19 seconds) and Trinidad and Tobago (38.30 seconds) are ranked first and second in record rankings.

Korea must surpass 38.30 seconds within June 30 to expect to participate in the Paris Olympics.

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