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Kim Hyun-gyeom, Surprise Gold Medalist in Figure Skating


강원동계올림픽 金 김현겸, 한국 피겨스케이팅 남자 싱글 새 역사 썼다

Youth Olympics Kim Hyun-gyeom, Surprise Gold Medalist in Figure Skating, “Cha Jun-hwan’s Advice was a Great Help”

“I can imagine how much pressure I must have felt during the PyeongChang Olympics.”


“I received good energy from my fellow schoolmate,” Joo Jae-hee, a short track speed skater, who won the gold medal.


Kim Hyun-gyeom (Han Advertising), who became the first Korean male figure skater to win an Olympic medal, said that the advice of Cha Jun-hwan (Korea University), his role model and 'Olympic stage senior', was of great help.


After winning the gold medal in men's figure skating singles at the 2024 Gangwon Winter Youth Olympics (hereinafter referred to as Gangwon 2024) held at the Gangneung Ice Arena in Gangwon-do on the 29th, Kim Hyun-gyeom said, "(Cha) Jun-hwan advised me to focus on mind control while looking around the audience after the warm-up. 카지노사이트

“I gave it to him and it was a big help,” he said.


“Through competing in this competition, I could guess how much pressure Junhwan must have felt during the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.


“I’m really happy to get a good result,” he said.


He received 147.45 points in the free skating held on this day and won the gold medal with a total score of 216.73 points, beating Adam Hagara (216.23 points, Slovakia) by 0.50 points.


Korean male figure skater becomes senior This is the first time she has won a medal at the Olympics, including on stage.


Coincidentally, the match on this day was held at the Gangneung Ice Arena, where the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics were held, adding to its significance.


Kim Hyun-gyeom's role model, Cha Jun-hwan, stood on the stage of the Pyeongchang Olympics at the Gangneung Ice Arena, and used that experience as a stepping stone to take 5th place, the highest ranking for a Korean male athlete, at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.


‘Post Cha Jun-hwan’ Kim Hyun-gyeom set a new milestone in Korean figure skating history after controlling his mind with the advice of his senior.


Kim Hyun-gyeom said, "In the short program held yesterday, I received loud cheers for the first time in my life, so I was very nervous.


Today, I got used to it and the cheering from the audience was a great help."


He added, "I felt a lot of pressure because the first jump (quadruple toe loop) was very important, but I succeeded and was able to compete comfortably."


He said, “I was very nervous because I still had little experience, but I think I will become a bigger player through this tournament,” and pledged, “I will develop further in terms of mental and technical skills in the future.”


Kim Hyun-gyeom's victory is more meaningful in that he kept his promise with his friend of the same age and short track athlete Joo Jae-hee (Han Gwang-go), who attends the same school.


The two athletes pledged to win gold medals together ahead of this competition, and they kept their promise.


Joo Jae-hee won the men's 1,500m short track event held at the Gangneung Ice Arena on the 20th, and Kim Hyun-gyeom also stood at the highest point of the podium at the same venue.


Kim Hyun-gyeom said, “Jaehee Co., Ltd. contacted me the day before the short program competition and told me to win the gold medal.


I think I received good energy.”


For Kim Hyun-gyeom, Gangwon 2024 is not over yet.


He will compete in the team event on the 1st of next month when the closing ceremony is held, aiming for an additional medal.


He said, “I don’t feel pressured in the team competition and plan to do my best,” and added, “I want to stand on the podium with my colleagues.”

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