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Real estate: 4 tasks to entrust to an assistant

E assistant

The post-pandemic trend toward virtual and hybrid working has presented interesting challenges for real estate agents and brokers, who have traditionally relied on live client interactions and property tours. But the industry has adapted and evolved. Many aspects of work are now handled virtually; even home visits are more often conducted through online virtual tours. 

virtual assistant real estate know how to support real estate teams in an online environment. Here are four real estate tasks you can entrust to a virtual assistant

Property management

Managing administrative tasks can be difficult if you work independently or in a small team.  Virtual assistants are well-equipped to handle the day-to-day tasks of a real estate professional.  Creating and posting lists, managing client lists, producing routine documents, managing office supplies, and distributing marketing materials are just some of the tasks virtual assistants can handle. .

To research

Virtual assistants can search for properties, owners, public records and legal names, and they can compile reports on local and national real estate information. 

Customer service

Most virtual assistants are experienced in customer-facing roles and understand the value of providing consistent, high-quality service to ensure customer success and retention.  They may handle telephone inquiries from clients and other real estate agents, coordinate access to the property for service providers, book and manage showings and appointments.

Content creation and social media management

Producing and curating effective, eye-catching social media content can have a huge impact on your business. Virtual assistants can also manage your digital and social marketing platforms to help you engage and grow your customer base. 

Creating original content and managing social media accounts is time consuming and requires creative expertise. 

Also Read: The 4 criteria that define a virtual real estate agency

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