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Everything You Need to Know about Lip Blush Tattoo

Dorsa Zafarmanesh
Everything You Need to Know about Lip Blush Tattoo

Don't you have the desire to achieve a beaming appearance on your lips without applying any makeup? Thanks to innovations that have emerged in the cosmetic industry, this desire can be easily fulfilled. Lip blush tattoo is one of the most amazing yet subtle techniques to restore the faded appearance of the lips. Moreover, compared to the various techniques to achieve a plumper look on the lips, a lip blush tattoo is widely preferred due to its hassle-free procedure. So, are you interested in learning more about Lip blush tattoos in Perth? Read this blog to discover more about lip blush tattoos.


The procedure of a Lip Blush Tattoo

A lip blush tattoo is one of the best and most effective ways to alter the appearance of your lips and this takes us to one of the most important questions - how does the entire procedure is performed? Well, don't worry, as we have got you covered.

Here is a detailed guide about the entire procedure performed during a lip blush tattoo.

  1. In this first step, the professional lip tattoo artist would gently apply a numbing cream to your lips. The purpose of the numbing cream is to reduce the pain that the person experiences during this procedure.
  2. The cream is left to rest on your lips for at least thirty minutes before wiping it off. Once the cream has been cleaned completely cleaned off, the actual procedure begins.
  3. The lip tattoo artist would draw the entire outline of the entire lips with the help of a gel pen. Once the sketch has been completed it is shown to the client. If the client approves the design, then the lip tattoo artist prepares for the procedure of initiating the tattoo. Only at this stage the changes desired by the client can be either added to or removed from the design.
  4. The tattoo artist begins the procedure by drawing out the outline of the lips before filling the centre with bright colours.
  5. The entire procedure is performed by constantly taking breaks to mitigate the discomfort faced by the client.
  6. Once the entire tattoo is completed, the lip tattoo artist applies a thick layer of soothing moisturizer to minimize the irritation after the procedure.
  7. The entire process is completed within an hour. To preserve the appearance of the lips, the lip tattoo artist provides a list of the necessary things that must be performed during the post-care treatment.


Pros and Cons of a Lip Blush Tattoo

A lip blush tattoo is a semi-permanent tattoo that helps you achieve a glam look without applying any expensive lip product. Other than that, let's take a look at the additional benefits associated with lip blush tattoos.


  • No more discoloured lips:

A discolored lip can dull your entire appearance which would eventually result in lowering your self-confidence. Thus, the best way to get rid of those discoloured lips would be to apply a lip blush tattoo. Not only would you achieve beautiful radiating lips that are full of colour but simultaneously it will elevate your self-esteem.


  • Convenient:

One of the prime advantages of a lip blush tattoo is that you won't feel the desire to add colour to your lips with any lip products. Lip blush tattoo injects colour on your lips to achieve a brighter look on your face.


  • Fuller appearance:

Most people might not know this but a lip blush tattoo is used to amplify the appearance of your lips to make it fuller as well as symmetrical. This is done by simply outlining the lips. This outline also helps in filling those gaps on your lips where the natural colour has faded.


  • Alluring appearance:

It has been observed that a defined lip creates an alluring appearance that could easily captivate any person’s attention.


  • Long-lasting results:

Yes, lip blush tattoos an impressive longevity. Certainly, it can last much longer than your extremely expensive lip products and you won't have to fret about the entire colour coming out from your lips and reapplying it for the entire day.

A lip blush tattoo might seem like an appropriate option if you want to save your money and time before investing in those high-end lip products. But before arriving at any permanent decision you might want to consider the cons of a lip blush tattoo.


  • Semi-permanent tattoo:

Even though it is semi-permanent, a lip blush tattoo is after all a tattoo that you get on your face. Hence you need to have a clear conscious mind before applying a semi-permanent tattoo.


Once the pigments are injected you might not be able to remove them and in such circumstances, the worst-case scenario would be if the outcome does not fall in your favor.


  • The procedure might go astray:

This might scare you off but before experiencing any surgery you must be aware that there remain a few unfortunate fellows who have to undergo a terrible experience and have to bear the worst consequences of the surgery.


This doesn't necessarily mean that you might have to be one of those ill-fated people who are destined to suffer this misery. So before opting for surgery carefully consider the worst-case scenario.


  • Gradual loss of colour:

Just like any other tattoo, a lip blush tattoo gradually loses its colour and requires touch-up at least once a year to sustain the emanating appearance from the lips.


What is the best and most effective method to achieve a flushed defined appearance of your lips without applying any makeup? Here is a three-word answer - lip blush tattoo. If you want to learn more about it then visit Zibaroo as they offer some notable cosmetic tattoo services including Eyebrow tattooing in Perth.

Dorsa Zafarmanesh
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