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Understanding the Costs of Hiring a Recruiter: Key Factors to Consider

De Vore Recruiting
Understanding the Costs of Hiring a Recruiter: Key Factors to Consider

Hiring a recruiter can be an advantage for any business, company or organization. Recruiters and headhunters can streamline the hiring process and help you find the best talent. However, acquiring recruiters can be costly. So before making a decision, it’s essential to be well-informed about the factors that can affect the hiring costs you need to pay for them. In this guide, we list down the factors that affect the pricing/costs of hiring a recruiter for your company.

Understanding Recruiter Fees

Recruiter fees can vary significantly based on the type of recruitment service you choose. Here’s a breakdown of the different types of recruiter fees and what you can expect to pay.

Contingency Fees

Contingency recruiters are paid only when a candidate they refer is hired. Typically, their fees range from 15% to 25% of the candidate’s first-year salary. This payment model is commonly used for mid-level positions and offers a low-risk option since you pay only upon a successful hire.

Retained Fees

Retained recruitment is often used for senior-level or specialized positions, paid upfront or in stages. Their fees are usually a percentage of the candidate’s first-year salary, often between 20% to 35%, and are paid regardless of the hiring outcome. This model ensures a dedicated and focused search effort from the recruiter.

In-House Recruiter Salary

Hiring an in-house recruiter involves paying their salary and benefits. Salaries vary based on experience and location, generally ranging from $60,000 to $120,000+ annually. This can be cost-effective for companies with ongoing hiring needs, providing a dedicated resource for all recruitment activities.

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De Vore Recruiting
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