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You must meet several requirements to rent a car

You must meet several requirements to rent a car

Although there may be slight differences depending on the company or the type of vehicle you want to rent, the requirements you must meet to be able to rent a car are: Be over 21 years old . Present your reservation number or identifier , in case you made it in advance. You have to check the condition of the vehicle

The vehicle you are going to rent must be in the proper condition to provide the service, so you must make sure that the car is in good condition , not only so that you are not charged later for damages that you did not cause, but car hire Lahore. Before setting off, carefully examine the condition of the vehicle and, if you detect any damage, let the company know and ask them to record it. You rent a category, not a model

When you rent a car in advance


You should bear in mind that you are booking a vehicle of a certain category, but not a specific car . They have to give you the "papers" of the car and the emergency accessories

The rented car must be supplied  with everything required to drive any vehicle, that is, the mandatory papers and accessories in case of emergency. The company must provide you with all the documentation in order – driving permit, ITV card, insurance policy, etc. -. The most normal thing is that they give you  certified photocopies  of these papers. The car must also include the  breakdown triangles  (which from 2026 will be replaced by the new luminous devices) and the  mandatory reflective vest .

It is important to make sure that you receive all the documentation that they indicate, because if any paperwork is missing when you return the car,  you will have to pay for its replacement . The cost of this replacement is usually indicated in the general conditions of the rental contract.

The insurance included in the rental does not cover everything


The price of renting a car includes the cost of compulsory car insurance , i.e. a civil liability policy, but you should consider whether you want to hit the road with a basic policy or with more comprehensive protection. Remember that if you pay the most basic rate, only damage caused to a third party will be covered, but not damage to the vehicle itself.


If you want to be more relaxed, it is a good idea to take out  comprehensive  comprehensive insurance with a deductible , which will be cheaper. In addition, many companies offer additional insurance that extends your protection with accident, goods and luggage or legal defiance coverage.

Situations in which you will never be covered by rental car insurance

When renting a car, you should bear in mind that  the insurance will only cover you if you make good use of the car .

On the other hand

 some insurance policies do not cover certain damages or specific breakdowns , such as damage to rims or tares (punctures or blowouts), battery discharge or damage to the clutch. Review everything that your rental car insurance covers to add extra peace of mind to your holiday.

You will have to leave a deposit

When renting a car and calculating your holiday expenses, you should bear in mind that all companies require a deposit as a guarantee of payment  and delivery of the vehicle in rent a car Lahore This deposit is usually  proportional to the value of the rented car and additional equipment . There is no express regulation regarding the amount, so the figure is usually left to the discretion of each company.

The deposit can be made by credit or debit card, or in some cases, in cash. In the case of high-end vehicles, it is often the case that the deposit can only be made by credit card. In fact,  some companies only accept this form of payment .


If any damage occurs to the rental car – provided it is not covered by insurance –  you will be charged for the repair from the card you provided . In addition, if you commit any offence, the company will provide your details to the sanctioning entity, to which you will have to pay the fine. A  fee for the processing of the fine may be added to this.

 You must return the rental car in good condition

 Companies usually deliver the  car clean and with a full tank of fuel , and you should return it that way. You don't have to wash it before taking it, but if you return it covered in mud or with stains on the upholstery, you will normally be charged for the cost of cleaning it.

If you do not return the tank with the amount of fuel it was delivered with, you will be charged for the missing fuel , as well as an additional charge for the refueling service. You should also be careful with the  return time . If you go past the delivery time, you will be charged an extra day, so it is best to return it on time.


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