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Searows Merch
Searows Merch

Searows Merch

Searows is the stage persona created by singer and songwriter Alec Duckart, whose music is as personal as it is powerfully atmospheric. Reflecting the gloomy beauty of the Pacific Northwest, which has been his home since childhood, Searows' music is dominated by the ghostly quaver of Duckart's falsetto vocals and the gentle, insistent strum of his acoustic guitar with electronic treatments shimmering in the background. Duckart had been sharing his music with his audience since he was in his early teens, and made a critical breakthrough with his homemade debut album, 2022's Guard Dog, which helped him earn a record deal for his powerful 2023 EP End of the World. Buy Searows Merch Here! #searowsmerch #searowsmerchandise

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Searows is the stage persona created by singer and songwriter Alec Duckart, whose music is as personal as it is powerfully atmospheric. Reflecting the gloomy beauty of the Pacific Northwest, which has been his home since childhood, Searows' music is dominated by the ghostly quaver of Duckart's falsetto vocals and the gentle, insistent strum of his acoustic guitar with electronic treatments shimmering in the background. Duckart had been sharing his music with his audience since he was in his early teens, and made a critical breakthrough with his homemade debut album, 2022's Guard Dog, which helped him earn a record deal for his powerful 2023 EP End of the World. Buy Searows Merch Here! #searowsmerch #searowsmerchandise

Searows Merch
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