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Important Features To Note Before Creating Taxi Booking App Like Uber

Trioangle Technologies
Important Features To Note Before Creating Taxi Booking App Like Uber

Uber has given us a On-Demand platform which can be adapted for different verticals. Creating apps like uber has its own set of benefits. Uber disrupted the service market on a vast scale and made on-demand service in new trend. The taxi booking app script can be customized to match your requirements in cost effective manner.

If you are seriously think about taxi booking app development, then you should look some features which drives a successful mobile app for taxi services. Uber has successfully filled some specific needs that were not being met by traditional taxis or car services.

Before starting to built an app, it is very much important to check whether the following features are available in the app

Features of Rider App:

  • Register/Login Page:

Rider can directly register via email and social media from their mobile app and can Login using the credentials later.

  • Fare Estimation:

It allows to estimate the fare by calculating the distance between the pick-up and destination point using Google API’s.

  • Push Notification:

Riders get instant notification of the booking request, driver arival details, payment details,etc,..

  • Trip History:

Driver can view the trip history which has the details about their present and previous trips.

  • Ratings and Reviews:

To share the feedback, they can rate the driver and give the textual review about their trip with star rating.

Features of Driver App:

  • Driver Profile:

Drivers should be required to provide verification documents like Driver’s License, RC Book, Insurance. It can be edited by drivers at any time and once it is verified by the admin it will be published.

  • Status Of The Trip:

The driver update the details to the passenger like he/she has accepted or rejected the booking, reached at the pick-up point and dropped the passenger.

  • Earnings Report:

Drivers can easily download the report of their existing trip in chart form.

  • Payments:

Drivers with PayPal ID can easily access Payouts from admin.

  • Booking History:

The driver has the option to track the booking history and check the status of each trip that includes cancelled bookings also.


Trioangle Technologies
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