Antorus, the Burning Throne Loot – the heart of Argus, the last invasion dungeon of Legion. Within it, you will combat with the eleven toughest Legion army superiors led by Argus the Unmaker. The end of the warfare with the Legion is approaching, soon the hordes of whizzes will forever sabbatical the world of Azeroth, and its lands will be purified of filth! Join the Horde and the Coalition in the concluding battle with the Legion!
- Boost for Antorus Raid
But everything described here is all in words, what is actually waiting for us? Do not think more, just buy WoW Antorus. New foray dungeon Antorus with four stages of effort: Raid Finder, Normal, Valiant and Mythic. The players suppose the exhausting hours of farming Heroic to concoct their characters for the world race for the top of Antorus development. And after a long week of unindustrialized, the strongest superiors of the Legion in Mythological mode will be up for grasps!
We have equipped with several Antorus raid boosts for you, so that you can remain play contentedly in Legion. At the moment, four facilities of Antorus raid boost is obtainable for you. Two Full gear improvements in normal and heroic styles and two Loot Mage Tower Boost WoW (you will obtain apparatus according to the specialty and loot system), also in standard and audacious modes
- Selection for Antorus Boost
We can only label which Antorus The burning throne boost is appropriate in this or that condition, but what to choose is up to you.
Antorus Normal Full Gear – this boost will garb players who want to rapidly prepare their personality for raids in gallant mode. Such set of apparatus will significantly upsurge your chances of discovering a raid group for further evolution of Antorus, the Burning Throne.
Antorus Normal Loot Run – this boost is apposite for players whose level of apparatus is thoroughgoing at the moment, but it may not be enough for the further movement in the heroic manner of Antorus, and swapping part of the current apparatus will meaningfully support your character.
Antorus Heroic Full Gear – the acquisition of the full gallant gear will offer you with top apparatus for the near future, because the expansion of the Mythological mode will initiate only after some time, and associations won't be contentedly farming this manner for a long time, having such problematic progression.
Antorus Heroic Loot Run – This provision can be used by players who want to get some portions of the heroic mode apparatus in order to elevate the normal level of apparatus and reinforce their character.
Soon two more boosts will be available for you: last Antorus' boss – Argus the Unmaker kill, which will yield you a Fest of Strength, and Glory of Argus Raider, for completing which you will receive various achievements and a magnificent Mage tower Boost run WOW.
Do not forget, if you did not find the facility you are attentive in or a selection to the service, then connect to us and we will find the finest selection for you, we will try to take into version any of your wishes!