Perfect solution, I am already using OLM to PST Converter software really this software quickly an easily convert olm file into pst file format.This excellent tool which can be employed to access your Mac Outlook files through Windows based Outlook account as the tool successfully converts OLM files into PST format. It also recover damage or corrupted OLM files and saves them into the emails in PST, MSG and EML file format. It supports all version of MS Outlook and all version Windows OS.
Read More latest information and download trail version so, Click now this link:- http://www.tools4recovery.com/olm-to-pst-converter.html

Stellar Phoenix OLM to PST Converter is a user-friendly and efficient utility to migrate to Microsoft Outlook from Outlook for Mac. It keeps all the mailbox items and emails as is. The software features all the amazing options after conversion when it comes to saving. You can also save the converted files as single or individual PST or append it into existing file. This utility can locate all the important OLM files and show you the list of these files to convert the selected one. It’s updates on timely basis. This way, your software will be kept up-to-date. All you need is proper internet connectivity. You will be notified with its Live Update wizard whenever new update will be available for download. Read Full Details At:- http://www.softmagnat.com/olm-to-pst-converter.html

So, If your goal is to convert Mac OLM files without affecting your original database, in that case, these tools are the perfect solution for you in any way.
All of the Outlook 2011-19 data is stored within the sort of OLM files.
The software will help you convert OLM to PST and export all the emails to many popular file formats.
Here, you can convert OLM files to PST files (including emails, contacts & calendar data).
They can import OLM to Gmail, Office 365, and others.
It provides options like 'Browse' and 'Find,' which users can use to locate or search an OLM enter the system.

You can repair corrupt OLM files by following steps
- Running Microsoft Database Utility
- Disable Sync Services of OLM from server and troubleshoot problems
- Remove any duplicates
- Update Outlook for Mac Email application
- Run OLM to PST converter to get repaired OLM files
Check in Details at https://www.filerepairtools.com/tips/steps-repair-recover-olm-files-manually/