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How to protect a startup from being cloned and copied at all its stages: Appus tips

Evgeniya Vishnia
How to protect a startup from being cloned and copied at all its stages: Appus tips

The idea is not a product, a ready technology, a ready concept, and not a service.

Finally, the product is developed and realized.

Pay attention to technologies, implementation issues, and other technical issues that will give you the opportunity to gather the necessary information for the implementation of the project but won’t necessarily give third parties the opportunity to fully understand the concept of your future product.

However, you’re not limited to requiring the signing of this document before the assessment and development process begins.

This is a controversial issue because:

You will spend a lot of time doing this, and it is more expedient to invest in the implementation of the idea


Appus Studio - Mobile app development company

Evgeniya Vishnia
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