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we're going to look at multi-level marketing software so stay tuned welcome back now one thing that we come to realize is that the software that you use to run your multi-level marketing business or any business for that matter is really crucial to the success if you're going to have because if you aren't organized and you are 'using the latest technology and you don't have the best education around the platform if you're using then you really are going to struggle and I thought a lot of research trying to find the best solution and hopefully this is Gonne save you a whole lot of time so there were five major areas that I wanted to look at when I was looking for the software that I want to be useful to run my business and that was firstly the education part of it now I really wanted somewhere that as I mentioned knows most up to date and been around for a while and you know was going to stay the course there's no point in using something that's not robust and gonna fall apart you know six months or a year down the track so the system that I in the fair finding has actually been around for eight years and that's a long time is far as internet years ago so that was you know really carries a lot of weight in my opinion they're number two needed a community you know working online can be a very lonely experience and I'm sure if you've done a little bit of yourself you have come to realize this you need to be able to have a place where you can go and bounce ideas off people and have a safe place where you know you don't feel like you're asking Admin question there's no such thing as a dumb question or the only one that is the one that wasn't asked so it's really important if you have a community around you that is going through the same process as you out down the same Road they say and you know to get the support that you need while working at home on your multi-level marketing business and then thirdly the critical thing with the software needed to go Just leads because no leads are the life blood of any business regardless again of the type of business which you have if you don't have that fresh flow of leads of people who talk to you on a daily basis for your business while you're just not going to get anywhere fast him feel like me I was sick and tired of chasing friends and family around and to be able to generate my own laser targeted lead sis being life-changing for my business then once you got the leads you need to keep track of them and that's where a CRM or client relationship management tool is so critical and this software platform has all their included and you're able to keep track of any conversations that you're having with your leads so if you're having a phone conversation you can take live notes and keep them there any emails have you see nor recorded and kept with that person so if for example you know you'd take a call from the prospect and you can just call them up by their phone number on the CRM and it has all your past correspondence there in chronological order so you know exactly what happened no nothing if you've recorded the kids they have all the vacation they went on through regardless of the length of time ago you're speaking to them you can have that information in front of you right away so that's hugely powerful and then lastly is it needed to have a blog because if you know a blog is the only piece of real estate on the internet that you actually own it's all very well compared with social media accounts but they are not yours now they can be taken away from you on a whim and no those five critical elements are what found in the software platform that I used so what I want to do now is take you through to my back office and give you a demo of how all these five components come together so bear with means I'll see you a second back office of my software and as you can see it is put together by my lead system pro this software was started eight years ago which is a the online business world so robust company robust software and I can't speak highly enough of it so firstly let's look at the education so if we group here to training and click on marketing strategies it's gonna take you through and you'll see care no matter what social media platform there is there's training on it no I'll just scroll down it just goes on and on if you want attraction marketing you know list management we had a manager actual storytelling to profits and if you want to be helped you need help us fixing that is and this is why top-level trainers like Todd Falcone Ray Higdon these kind of people are their trainers that are all part of this community so it's a hugely powerful community on top of that there's also a training library where all weekly webinars this weekly webinars on Tuesdays and Wednesdays which are live and they a real recorded and in here in the back office look at this snap chat training so this is all how to generate leads using these platforms so you know unbelievable access to friend new you don't need anything else basically and then quickly looking at the community here's the Face book group for the software plat form and this is just a post about to night's webinar it's Wednesday when I'm recording this and they going to be talking about blogging just updates on Face book is different messaging options now with Face book people just and letting everyone know these are what members of the month or April know this guy's just got over a hundred follower son Twitter following some strategies and here's a great one and Linda's just become a top earner on top and roller in her email in company using this plat form so it really does work now because it's not an actual business opportunity in itself but I'd say he has an affiliate program type it so you can actually make money on the side that it's essentially everyone here is using it to grow their own multi-level marketing business join evokes a good example April Maurice she's I just made over two hundred thousand and promoting the software affected them so it really does work and next thing I want to talk about lead flow now I want just quickly show a couple of lead capture pages that I've created using the tools within the software and no code my own videos on they're all personalized to me it takes us through the my training here's another one we're a little book that I'm giving away there for encouraging people isn't using it as a lead me magnets or two drops in and get their note get them to become a lead and no so very powerful tools but the thing is you don't have to worry about worried about technical skills when you first start because they have pre done funnels if you can start gene rating leads for your business that you don't even have to create so like this one here's on Face book live you know Face book lives just come out you have capture pages which are just like this with people can click on if they click on there you can enter you know capture the information and then they do that brings it all up here so you don't have to create any of this it's all done for you and these leads go in to your back office and there are your leads so all men are of options to you know start generating leads straightaway and as I say yeah you don't have any tickets all you got to do is get you a link for these things this is a Face book training with a 77 page PDF download that goes along with it and beginning to have a look at this capture page and there it is the peoples is what they see when they come across it when you if you've posted on Face book or something to you a list or whatever and now they clicked it downloaded you capture the information and it's you'll lead so you can do all the straightaway from day one start posting this and fight in groups and everything and you can start generating leads while you learn how create your own capture pages like I have done so leap flows covered as I mentioned earlier you know leaf flows the lifeblood of any business at all so then the next thing we want to look at is the CRM so once you actually start generating your leads you want them to come they all literally flow automatically into your CRM and here's your just you cook dashboard this is all your upcoming tasks but a couple of her reviews here but it has a list of all the prospects that come in with phone numbers if they put them in and you caned it them all by just clicking on the edit button and brings in it tells you which funnel that they came through on you can have any notice if you've created or schedule tasks if we just go back and look at my task list this will show you so if I click on the sky again note tells me which came through my Twitter welcome page and I've got some notes there when I last spoke to them if I want to email them I just click on that and they can send an email either from pre-done once you know or omit it just brings them up populate some it'll put their own first name and everything like that in such smart log icon there they'll bring it all in from the actual the information in here and create the email that quickly for them so hugely powerful and then the next thing and comes with this software as a blog now he has my blog no then again different trainings that I've got on there and again are you but capture pages on a blog which takes people sign up as a lead and they get given their training that I showed you in the back office leave those Face book trainings things like that so you don't have to have anything created by yourself to get started with but it does have all the tools to go ahead and learn while you know our using the existing stuff so hope fully you've got some value from this and go ahead and Ike encourage you now there's a link below this video where you can actually go and take the system for a trial and it costs you only ten dollars for the trial for ten days and if but for any reason you decide it's not for you get your ten dollars back so there's absolutely no risk at all so go ahead click on that link now set yourself up for a trial and contact me and I'll personally walk you through and help you get set up so that you can get cranking with your business and start generating leads you take your business to the next level because this is the best multi-level marketing software.