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Which on-page SEO Factors you need to Consider- Ultimate checklist

Anurag Mehra
Which on-page SEO Factors you need to Consider- Ultimate checklist

Internet penetration is increasing at a rapid rate, in fact there are more than 4 billion internet users in the world 1.

Businesses have seen that consumers have moved online and with the change in buying behavior, more businesses are launching their websites.

To lure these 4 billion users, around 200 million active websites are present on the internet 2.

Now, the challenge arises to reach out to these users. People who come online do all kinds of searches ranging from asking questions, searching for solutions, searching for products etc.

Your aim is to reach out to these people, but how?

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the process of optimizing your website with quality content to bring more traffic through organic search engine results.

Search Engine Optimization is an important process for every organization which has an online presence.

Though there’s a lot of competition and your competitors are already present in the first page of search engine results, it shouldn’t demotivate you.

No website receives good search engine rankings on the first day. When you do SEO of your website, you’ll divide it into 2 parts:

On-page SEO– Factors which you need to consider on your website in order to make it user and search engine friendly.

Off page SEO– Off page factors are those which are not done on the website. They define the popularity of the website like backlinks, mentions etc.

While you may be ready to follow latest seo trends to boost your search engine rankings, it is essential to follow some base on-page seo factors.

Anurag Mehra
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