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Solar Battery Price List at Loom Solar by 2019

Loom Solar
Solar Battery Price List at Loom Solar by 2019

Solar battery price depends upon Battery AH and Warranty, The price ranges from Rs.3500 to Rs.18500. The Tubular Technology batteries with 5 years of replacement warranty will be the costliest as tubular battery indicates latest technology with higher energy efficiency in batteries.


How to Choose Solar Battery

If you are planning to buy solar battery online and you do not have any idea how to choose battery for your home. You should consider this before buying any battery

1) Battery Capacity measured in Ah (Ampere-hour)

2) Battery warranty

3) Price, depends on Battery Ah and warranty.


The solar battery market in India is fragmented, 60% batteries are manufactured by local manufacturers, rest 40% market is captured by brands such as Exide, Luminous, Okaya, Sukam and Amaron. here is the average price list of solar batteries taken from different cities across India with solar battery model &  average selling price list:-


20 Ah Tubular solar battery, 5 years warranty Rs. 4,000

40 Ah Tubular solar battery,  5 years warranty Rs. 5,500

60 Ah Tubular solar battery, 5 years warranty Rs. 7,500

80 Ah Tubular solar battery, 5 years warranty Rs. 9,000

100 Ah Tubular solar battery,  5 years warranty Rs. 11,500

120 Ah Tubular solar battery, 5 years warranty Rs. 13,000

150 Ah Tubular solar battery, 3 years warranty Rs. 15,000

150 Ah Tubular solar battery, 5 years warranty Rs. 18,000

200 Ah Tubular solar battery, 3 years warranty Rs. 19,500


Solar Battery Warranty

Battery warranty has two aspects a) Replacement warranty and b) Pro rata warranty. If your battery fails in replacement warranty, Brand will replace it with new battery and during pro rata warranty period, a new battery is offered at discounted price, which is, also known as buy back offer.

Source:- Loom Solar

Loom Solar
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