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What are the 5 Stages of Kidney Failure?

Jatin sharma
What are the 5 Stages of Kidney Failure?

Kidney failure also called end-stage renal failure refers to the five stages of kidney damage in which glomerular filtration starts dropping down to its minimal level. In the last stage of renal failure, kidneys stop working at all. This means filtration or excretion work role of the kidney cannot be performed with full efficacy, leading to dangerous levels of toxins build up inside the kidneys. At times, the doctor suggests dialysis or transplant to the kidney patients to allow toxin elimination. However, with the help of ayurvedic medicines, the kidneys can be made to work again even at the stage of renal failure without involving any surgery.

How to diagnose kidney damage?

Here is a quick guide to measuring kidney function

  • Serum creatinine
  • Glomerular filtration rate
  • Blood urea nitrogen
  • Ultrasound
  • CT scan
  • A kidney biopsy
  • Urinalysis
  • Creatinine clearance test

These tests are used to know how well kidneys are performing their job. Any abnormality in the test indicates malfunctioned kidney. 

What are the five stages of renal failure?

Based on the eGFR blood count, the doctor determines how well kidneys are eliminating fluid from the body. The number on GFR shows the stage of CKD, these are:

Stage 1

Stage 1 of the kidney disease means kidneys have 10% of their function but are reasonably functional. An eGFR count greater than 90 means kidneys output is rational. This stage of kidney disease does not come with any physical damage to the kidneys however you will notice foamy or bubbly urine.

Things you can do to slow down kidney damage

  • Work on your blood pressure and blood sugar goals
  • Practice yoga daily
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Do not smoke 
  • Take ayurvedic medications

Stage 2

In stage 2 of CKD, the eGFR count ranges between 60 and 89 which is an indication that kidneys are losing their health gradually. Hence, it is important to talk to your doctor how you can prevent further damage to the kidneys with the help of a renal diet and herbal medications.

The signs at this stage of kidney disease could be foamy or bubbly urine or even in rare cases, the urine is accompanied by the blood clots as well. Precautionary steps that can be taken at that stage are being rigid on your diet plan and adopt necessary lifestyle changes. 

Stage 3

This is a severe stage of kidney damage unlike stage 1 and stage 2. At this point, the eGFR counts between 30 and 59. The symptoms that should not be overlooked are:

  • Swelling in the feet, hands or ankles
  • Back pain
  • Increased or decreased urine frequency
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Bubbles in the urine

In this stage, dangerous levels of fluid may accumulate inside the bloodstream of the body making a patient feel sick. 

Stage 4

At stage 4 of CKD, kidneys are awfully damaged with GFR dropped to 30 or less. It is the last stage of damage before renal failure. When the damage is extreme, just like in this stage, the kidney disease may show a number of health complications in the body such as high blood pressure, anaemia, and bone disease. 

An individual may have extreme back and stomach pain when urinating besides, blood in the urine.

Stage 5:

Stage 5 means kidneys are very near to renal failure or have failed already. This stage comes with various serious symptoms because the kidneys have stopped working at all. The symptoms that may appear are:

  • Dry or patchy skin
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swelling in the hands and feet
  • Panting
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Less urination than normal

At this point of renal failure, the doctor might suggest taking dialysis or transplant to continue life. However, with ayurvedic medicines, the kidneys can be made to work again with their full efficiency. The ayurvedic medicines work on the imbalance in the Doshas called the energy block of our body, these are, Kaasni, Vatta, and Pitta. When diseases are cured by working on the root cause, you can assure yourself of the complete elimination of a particular problem from your body. 

Karma Ayurveda is one of the prestigious ayurvedic kidney care institution based in Delhi. Currently, under the supervision of Doctor Puneet Dhawan, the ayurvedic medicines have helped a number of patients in living a disease-free life. If you want help about any kidney-related disorders, connect with Dr. Puneet Dhawan. 


Jatin sharma
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