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How to Use Boot Camp Feature to Open EXE Format Files on Mac

Zone Firewall Protection
How to Use Boot Camp Feature to Open EXE Format Files on Mac

Many users wish they could use the Windows app on their Mac. Both operating systems support a different format file. The apps run easily and instantaneously on Windows OS; you can’t run them on your macOS device or vice versa. But, apps and operating system developers found workarounds for this. There are many amazing Windows applications and programs that you would want to run on your Mac. Boot Camp is a macOS feature that not only enables you to use the Windows (EXE format) files on Mac but also gives you the experience of Windows PC right on your Mac. You can also find and use third-party apps to run the EXE format file on Mac.



SOURCE: How to Use Boot Camp Feature to Open EXE Format Files on Mac


Here is how to use Boot Camp feature to open EXE format files on Mac


Installing Windows with Boot Camp

Boot Camp feature in Mac is for installing and running the Windows on Mac. With it, you can install Microsoft Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 on your Mac. You have to visit Microsoft’s website and download the Windows installation file for iOS. Once you got this file saved on your Mac, installing and running Windows will no longer complex. Follow these instructions to set up and use the Boot Camp feature to open EXE format files on Mac.


1.   Start ‘Safari’ and go the ‘Microsoft’s Website’ to download the iOS file of the Windows version you want to install on your Mac.

2.   After downloading the Windows installation file, locate the ‘Utilities’ folder.

3.   There find for ‘Boot Camp Assistant’ and double click on its icon.

4.   Now, click and select the screen directions to begin the Windows installation process. These involve, choosing the Windows installation file, deciding a drive to install the Windows, and rebooting Mac.

Note: You can also install the Windows using an external drive. If you’re using any such device, then you need to plug in and choosing it for Windows installation.

5.   Customize the settings for Boot Camp settings and restart your Mac. When Mac starts again, you’ll see the Installer screen for Windows.

6.   You may prompt to choose a system (disk) to boot your computer and continue the installation process. This screen only appears if you’re using an external drive for Windows installation. Select ‘BOOTCAMP’ to proceed.

7.   Again, click and select with the screen directions to begin installing the Windows OS. These steps will vary with the Windows version, but at the end of the process, your Mac will restart.

8.   As Mac restarts, press and hold the ‘Option’ button on your keyboard to access the Startup Manager screen.

9.  Let go of the ‘Option’ button when you see the Startup Manager screen.  Here you’ll see the drives you can use to boot your Mac.

10.  Select ‘Boot Camp’ and press the ‘Return’ key to start your Mac in Windows OS. To start you Mac normally with macOS, select ‘Macintosh.’

11.  Once your Mac starts up with the Windows OS, allow it to get ready for use.

12. Now, locate the EXE format files on your Mac you want to run.

13.  And run them by double-clicking them.


Harry Williams is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for Zone Firewall on NortonWebrootMcAfeeMicrosoft Office and many other related topics. He is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience. To get in touch with the internet security service provider, just dial 8449090430.

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