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How to Resolve Mcafee Error 1336 in Windows

Maria Hernandez
How to Resolve Mcafee Error 1336 in Windows

McAfee is considered as one of the best antivirus software which allows users to secure their system in all possible ways. It is must for every user to have antivirus installed in their system to protect their device when they use the internet. You can run McAfee in any operating system whether it be Windows, Mac, etc, and it will equally protect the device. But there are times when users get to face some malfunctioning which hinders their work. One of these problems is ‘McAfee error 1336 in Windows’ which may cause problems in the antivirus and your system will not work appropriately. The problem needs to be fixed as soon as possible because it may affect your system negatively. The issue can occur due to failure in the installation process. You can go through the blog to know the symptoms, causes, and steps to fix this error. You can also get in touch with mcafee customer service, and avail assistance from the experts who provide you with the most prominent solution in no time at all.

Causes of McAfee error 1336:

  • When you could not install the McAfee antivirus due to any type of interruption
  • When the Windows registry files are corrupted
  • Downloading McAfee software from an unreliable source could also cause this error
  • Any type of viruses or infection can also cause this error

Symptoms of McAfee error 1336:

  • Your system will start freezing frequently
  • The operating system will start working slow
  • The error crashes your active windows program
  • You will see the error message 1336 on your screen

Steps to fix McAfee error 1336:

  • You will have to remove all the junks from the device
  • Go to the start button after opening your device
  • Type ‘command’ in the search bar
  • Once you get to see the command prompt, click on control and shift together
  • A permission dialog box will appear
  • Now, you will be required to select the ‘yes’ option
  • Then, you will have to enter cleanmgr on the black box
  • Once you proceed, disc cleaner tool will calculate the space occupied which can be freed away
  • Now, you can select the temporary files and remove them from the device
  • You need to perform a full malware scan on the system
  • Go to the start menu
  • Now, you will have to enter command on the search bar
  • Once you get the command prompt, type sfc/scannow
  • Your device will be scanned completely
  • Now, you just have to restart the device
  • Install the latest Windows updates
  • You need to visit the start menu
  • Enter ‘Update’ in the search bar
  • Choose the ‘yes’ button when you get a Windows update dialog box
  • Your device will be restarted once the Windows updates are installed

These were a few steps which you could follow to fix McAfee error 1336. If you still face the error, you can connect with the experts at Mcafee tech support number and get assistance from the experts who provide you with the best solution ever.

Source URL: How to Resolve Mcafee Error 1336 in Windows

Read more: Mcafee support number

Maria Hernandez
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