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How to fix McAfee installation incomplete error

Maria Hernandez

Everyone wants to be protected from unwanted content, and malicious activities form the online miscreants. Now with the McAfee antivirus software, one can easily protect the device and perform the activities quite securely. However, sometimes McAfee does not get installed to your computer and displays some error messages. There are some techniques that fix the issues very well and make you able to use McAfee software again. For additional support, you can contact at Mcafee contact number and get expert assistance to remove the error.

Pre-requisites before going for solution:

  • Check your system requirements and ensure it fulfills the software necessity.
  • There should not be any third-party firewall or security software installed to your system.
  • Also, make sure that your system is OS is completely up to date.

Once you make sure these checkpoints meet with the requirement, you can go ahead further and process these pre-steps:

  • Save all the open files and close down all the running programs.
  • Then restart your system and check your internet connection.
  • You can also reboot your modem or router.
  • Make sure that your laptop is well-connected to the power supply.

Fix the issue with these solutions:

You have done well with these pre-steps, and now you can easily proceed with these steps to fix your issue:

Solution 1. Follow these steps carefully and get rid of the situation.

  • Go to the official McAfee website and download McAfee consumer product removal tool (Mcpr) and run the tool on your system.
  • Allow the program to make changes by clicking on yes.
  • Click on next and agree to the terms and conditions.
  • Fill out the given captcha in the given box.
  • Removal will be completed within seconds, and then you can restart your system.
  • If you don’t get the process completed, you need to re-run the tool and then restart the system.

Solution 2. You can also try to enable the administrator account temporarily with these steps:

  • Open the command prompt on your system as an administrator.
  • Then you type ‘net user administrator/active: yes’ on command prompt and enter.
  • Now you can close the command prompt.
  • Further, you need to press CTRL+ALT+DEL keys simultaneously and log out from windows.
  • Then you need to click on the administrator to log in to your system and try to install McAfee software again to your computer.

Get the McAfee support for additional assistance:

If you are not getting the proper ways to fix the issue with above-mentioned methods you should call at mcafee technical support number immediately and get a step-by-step guide with a professional approach and get back to work with a protected device.

Source URL: How to fix McAfee installation incomplete error

Read more: mcafee customer service

Maria Hernandez
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