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McAfee Antivirus Installation Error: Quick Guide to Solve it

Maria Hernandez

In the digital-driven age, ignoring your system security can prove to be quite costly. How costly? Try 8 billion dollars. Cybersecurity research suggests that in the year 2018, damages due to ransomware were estimated to be more than 8 billion dollars. To protect your system and your business from malicious software, you need to make sure you follow the correct steps to install your McAfee antivirus. If you do not follow the correct method, you will encounter McAfee installation errors that may make it difficult to run a virus scan later on. When an installation error occurs, you will see a notification that says “Unable to Continue Installation. This blog will give you a quick overview of how to troubleshoot any McAfee Antivirus Installation Error on your computer. You should also call the mcafee technical support, and speak to a trained software technician to learn more about how you can protect your computer against malware.

Solutions to fix McAfee Antivirus Installation Error

Solution 1: Use the McAfee Pre-install Tool

The most basic, and often most efficient solution to fix most antivirus installation errors is to run the McAfee Pre-install Tool. The tool prepares your PC so that you can download the software without any difficulty. You can refer to the steps below to run the pre-install tool and complete the McAfee Antivirus Installation process:

  • Step 1: Go to the McAfee website and download the Pre-install Tool.
  • Step 2: Save the file on your computer, preferably on your desktop.
  • Step 3: Make sure you remove any software that may affect McAfee.
  • Step 4: Double click the ‘Pre-Install_Tool.exe’ file and complete the prompts shown on the screen.

Once the Preinstall Tool completes the scan, you can restart your computer and reinstall your McAfee security software. In case you find that the issue is still not resolved, you can refer to the alternate solution given below.

Solution 2: Run McAfee Virtual Technician

Apart from the Pre-install tool, you can also use McAfee Virtual Technician to try and fix the installation errors on your computer. The Virtual Technician is basically an automated tool that helps a user to identify and resolve common technical errors connected to the McAfee security software. You can use the steps given below to run the McAfee Virtual Technician tool:

  • Step 1: Open your browser and visit the McAfee Support homepage
  • Step 2: Download the tool, double-click the ‘mvt.exe.’ file, then click ‘Run.’
  • Step 3: Click ‘Allow MVT to run’ and wait for the tool to initialize and update.
  • Step 4: After the tool scans the PC, you can click ‘Autofix’ and let MVT fix the issue.

In case McAfee Virtual Technician cannot locate the source of the error, or it the issue is still not resolved, you can contact Mcafee customer support number for help. Professional software experts are available 24 hours a day to give additional technical assistance whenever you need it.

Source URL: McAfee Antivirus Installation Error Quick Guide to Solve it

Read more: Mcafee support number

Maria Hernandez
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