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Best Money Transfer Software

Ajay Sharma
Best Money Transfer Software

When it comes to transferring money our established money transfer software is an ideal business solution that can offer your company sustained growth in a relatively short period of time, achieving higher returns at the same time. Our Online Money Remittance Platform adds immediate business value to any online foreign exchange or money transfer business. The online platform gives you a dedicated solution with the versatility to handle and control daily foreign currency transactions hassle-free.

Our money transfer software is a fully regulated money transfer platform that banks and licensed money service businesses use to support their business models. It has high compliance controls available for CIP/KYC and ongoing transaction monitoring.

  • Taking full ownership of the consumer, transaction, AML, privacy, and sanction scanning responsibilities to originate transactions
  • You can send money home from your mobile or computer
  • A low cost, trusted and reliable alternative for sending money.
  • Consumers can use the Simpliremit service of their choice to transfer money to specific countries
Ajay Sharma
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