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Use Micro ATM Service and Increase your monthly Revenue 20000 to 30000/-

Ajay Sharma
Use Micro ATM Service and Increase your monthly Revenue 20000 to 30000/-

Micro ATMs are like the modified point of sales terminals this terminal can connect to the banking network via GPRS to perform banking transactions. This machine contains a card swipe. These machines are carried by a bank representative at remote/mobile locations. These machines are handy and not capable of keeping any cash. The cash is carried by the bank representative along with him/her.

Benefits of using Micro ATM?

  • One can extend banking services anywhere in the remote area using Micro ATM Service
  • It is a low-cost option for the existing ATM
  • Micro ATM is a portable device
  • Easy to carry, easy to set up anywhere in the remote area
  • Interoperable device and can work for any bank
  • Useful to help people during the demonetization process
  • Do eKYC for Wallet and RBL Bank’s Prepaid VISA Card.
  • Open Wallet for customers.
  • Withdraw cash @PoS using Rupay Cards.
  • Using our AePS service, do Aadhaar-enabled payments or cash withdrawals from any Aadhaar-linked bank account (Micro ATM facility).
  • Give Money Transfer Services (OMTS).
  • Give a bouquet of other services, Recharges, Bill Payments, Wallet loading, etc. 
  • You can add money to Mobile Wallets such as Wallet, Reliance Jio Money, Airtel Money and more.
  • Accept card payments (VISA/Master/Rupay Card).
  • Open bank accounts and do Aadhaar registration.
Ajay Sharma
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