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Google Pixel 4 and Pixel 4XL: Here’s What You Need To Know And Why It Won’t Launch In India?

herry siddle
Google Pixel 4 and Pixel 4XL: Here’s What You Need To Know And Why It Won’t Launch In India?

It’s official: Finally, on Tuesday, October 15th, Google announced Google Pixel 4 XL and Pixel 4.

We have all the details about these two smartphones Google Pixel 4, 4 XL that will help decide whether to buy or not.

“We decided not to make Pixel 4 available in India,” a Google spokesperson said.

This means Google Assistant’s interactions will take place on the device without sending out requests to Google’s data centers.

Moreover, for the first time, a voice assistant will support continued conversations.

This means users will be able to ask follow-up questions without a pause.

herry siddle
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