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Hey Google, what is Dome Glass?

Gaurav Mehta
Hey Google, what is Dome Glass?

The Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL have arrived, and although the shock of the notch has not quite gone away, it's still up to you to make sure it stays looking fresh.

This technology provides you with their "Dome Fix" ability because the liquid can repair existing scratches and scuffs as well.

Thanks to their LOCA technology and their advanced (but simple) installation process, Whitestone utilizes a unique curing process that harnesses the power of UV light to securely attach the glass to your phone giving you flawless protection.

Make sure you give yourself ample time to follow the step by step guide included (It's also recommended to watch their installation video) and don't just try to slap it on in a few seconds.

The new and improved installation process uses a new sliding method to help ensure effectiveness, and to prevent installation errors from happening, each Dome Glass includes everything you need: two adhesive bottles, a UV curing light, a newly designed install frame, and alcohol wipes/dry towels.

They even include a bottle of specialized AF (Anti Fingerprint) Spray to help any of those who have not had any screen protector on their phones and to reduce any issues.

Gaurav Mehta
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