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Office and your everyday work

anaus kelvin
Office and your everyday work

office.com/setup – Office makes a lot of lives better, there are hundreds of Office Installations every day and the credit goes to the team working on the Office applications and products.


Microsoft Office is a software that has been made to make you every day better. This is not just that hard to work with and usually has to do with your everyday work. Your everyday work sitting on your Office chair is definitely at some time accompanied by Office Suite. Your Office is not complete without the Office Productivity suite. This is not just a productivity suite that makes your lives better. This makes sure that you are never stuck with the Office work and make sure that you are always prepared for the presentations that can change your life, once and for all.


Office productivity suite is really an amazing software and this has a lot of features that can make your life a lot better in every sense. Office is becoming a need for every Office for its ease of use and great productivity tools. Now that Microsoft is adding all-new features and equipping your Office with new and great features that make it way better than any other productivity suite out there. Microsoft is now equipping Office with the latest AI features that will make your Office much easier to work with and this can even bring new possibilities to the world of Productivity. We can not stress enough about the fact that Microsoft has great features for Microsoft Office in the future.


With the increased possibilities of new apps, We would also like Microsoft to introduce a photo editor in competition with Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. Another app that can be included in the Microsoft Office suite is the competition to Procreate for Ipad. The growing market of Tablets and other pen-based devices is increasing very fast and Microsoft needs to add software completely based on such systems. This should not be that tough for Microsoft but it is not that easy to take a top shot on this market too. Microsoft already has its own Surface X and Surface Tablets that are Pen and touch-based and are pitted against Ipad and S Tab from Samsung. But the market share from these 2 companies is far bigger than that of Microsoft, as it is still struggling to make an entry into this wild storm. Though these products have not met the fate of their Mobile Phone Products and have not gone completely but are rather giving a fair shot of their power in the market and are increasing in sales every day.


Anaus kelvin, is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding www.office.com/setup and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.

anaus kelvin
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