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Microsoft Brings "Grammarly" like extension to chrome?

anaus kelvin
Microsoft Brings "Grammarly" like extension to chrome?

www.office.com/setup: Microsoft has recently taken up arms against, Grammarly and has bought up a new way to make your words more refined on the internet.

A chrome extension that brings your grammar to life and leaves doubts about the spellings away from you. The extension, called Microsoft Editor is really a good extension that can revive and create beautiful extension. It is available in the Google Chrome extension store and can be installed on your google chrome product. You can also compare it to Grammarly which has been in market for a long time.

It is not necessary that the extension provided by Microsoft is a really good one but we can bet that it is going to be better, though the extension you have provided is a beta version and has a lot to be improved but can for sure be taken up as one of the best extension in the market, for future. There are a lot of other things that might hurt the presence of grammar due to the fact that the extension that Microsoft has launched will possibly be integrated into the Microsoft office. This means that the Microsoft office is getting bigger.

The actual functionality is to check the spellings and fix your grammar, though it can also be fixed by introducing AI learning and much more. There is a lot to come into this extension.
Anaus, a creative person who puts his skills in Technical writing by making everything easier for readers to understand the complexity of any tech-related issue like officesetup.com/setup. Many popular e-magazines have released his articles. He has also been writing to people’s queries related to technology.

anaus kelvin
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