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5 Celebrities Who Are Social Activists | Bollywood Celebrities In Lockdown

Arbaaz Khan
5 Celebrities Who Are Social Activists | Bollywood Celebrities In Lockdown

Indian Celebrities Has Played Very Big Role In Lockdown Situation

Many big name from bollywood who is taken a good steps in this lockdown situation to help those people who are truely needed for the goods. Every stream celebrities who has become big nowadays was just because of their fans and following. In mumbai maharashtra every B-town popular star’s stays here and many of them has been active stil Lockdown.

Every time celebs are been remembered that how much they earn this the main concern they have to help or donate for the needy community as well. In bollywood you have heard that every actor or actress has been donate something for the person who has a need. But in this current situation if coronavirus and lockdown in india Please read more once

Arbaaz Khan
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