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Dating Sites Popularity Exponential Growth

Tim Turner
Dating Sites Popularity Exponential Growth

According to Fortune, in March 2020, Tinder recorded its highest number of swipes on a single day: 3 billion. From March to May 2020, OkCupid saw a 700% increase in dates. And over on Bumble, video calls increased by 70%. Seems that even a pandemic can't stop the search for love. But how are those dates happening? Is it still all just swiping left and right?

In 2019, the revenue in online dating reached $1.958M and it is expected to grow to $2.530M by 2024.

The online dating industry shows a lot of potentials and is predicted to grow in revenue. Before deciding on how to create a dating app, you have to analyze your target audience, need to determine what exactly you are going to build: Traditional, Niche, AI, or Geolocation dating app. Whether you are going to build a mobile or a web app, or even a dating website.


The text above is a short summary, you can read the full article here:



Tim Turner
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