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Which Type of Loft Insulation Is the Most Effective?

Which Type of Loft Insulation Is the Most Effective?

The insulation of a loft space can help reduce the loss of heated and cooled air during the cold and summer months of the year. When set up in a proper way, you can manage to save a decent amount of money every year.

Which Type of Loft Insulation Is the Most Effective?

It is impossible to declare which kind of insulation happens to be the best, given that each type comes with a specific usage and purpose. The Loft insulation UK cost that you pick for the loft space will largely depend on which purpose you wish to use the space for, and also the particular challenges posed by your loft shape.

Types of Loft Insulation 

Other than reducing your carbon footprint, proper insulation of the loft can reduce your heating bills by as much as 250 pounds a year. When you ensure a more energy-efficient home, its resale value can be increased by 14%. Whether you are choosing a warm or cold loft, you can pick from various kinds of insulation. These include:

Blanket Insulation     

It is a kind of insulation composed of small fibers, mainly fiberglass. At times, it is constituted of natural fibers or mineral wool (slag and rock). This kind of Loft insulation cost UK and is fitted between beams, studs, and joists. Often, it is used for insulating new construction projects. It may even be used in commercial buildings as acoustical insulation. For areas within the home, it can serve as thermal insulation. Most often, it is found to be used in attics.

Loose-fill Insulation  

This is a kind of attic insulation composed of loose fibers, which are spread on the floor of attic surfaces. It is also called “Blown-in Insulation”. It can be found in fiberglass or cellulose. The commonest materials that are used for such kinds of insulation include:

  • Fiberglass
  • Cellulose
  • Mineral wool (rock or slag)

All such materials are produced with the help of waste materials that are recycled. Cellulose is composed mainly of recycled newsprint. Recycled glass (40% to 60%) is used in most of the fiberglass products.

Sheet Insulation        

Thermal Insulation Sheet or Heat Resistant Insulation Sheet includes double layers of Aluminum foil, with Polyethylene Foam used inside. It is utilized to avoid the entry of heat within buildings. As a fiber insulation material, Cellulose is composed of high amount of recycled content. It is blown into the attic space of a house. The insulation materials used in Sheet Insulation include huge fiber materials, like:

  • Fiberglass
  • Sleek foils
  • Rigid foam boards
  • Natural fibers
  • Cellulose
  • Slag wool
  • Rock wool

Blown-fiber Insulation

Blown fiber insulation helps save energy, offers protection from fire, reduces condensation issues and more. Fiberglass and Cellulose are two of the commonest forms of blown fiber insulation. It extends consistent coverage, and can be used in wall systems and attics.

So, which is the best type of loft insulation? Blanket Insulation is the commonest type of loft insulation, which is available in the form of mineral fibers, glass or rock wool. Foil-backed felt and Earth Wool are other excellent eco-friendly options. This is a good insulation that is useful for any purpose, and is usually the cheapest option – particularly for areas between joists. This is the most convenient form of insulation, and is not appropriate for roof.

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