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How much does Loft Insulation Cost UK?

How much does Loft Insulation Cost UK?

Home Insulation Contractors, we takes pleasure in offering our customers with economical and high-quality insulation solutions. Contact us today to arrange an appointment for loft insulation services if you are seeking for a dependable and effective approach to keep your house warm and energy-efficient. We are always glad to assist our customers in making their homes warmer and more comfortable while saving money on their energy costs.

Loft insulation is an essential component for saving energy and reducing expenses in the long term. The cost of loft insulation in the UK varies depending upon several factors, such as the type of insulation material, the size of the loft area, and whether installation is offered by a professional installer or DIY. The typical cost of loft insulation for a 1-bedroom house ranges from £300 to £400, whereas the cost for a 4-bedroom house can be up to £1500. The most commonly used insulation materials in the UK include mineral wool, cellulose, and foam board. Mineral wool is relatively cheaper, costing between £5 to £7 per square meter, whereas foam board is more expensive, costing between £15 to£20. Additionally, government grants, discounts, and schemes such as the Home Insulation Contractors, which offers up to £10,000 in financial support for households to improve energy efficiency, can assist in reducing the cost of loft insulation. The cost of loft insulation can vary, but it is undoubtedly an investment that will pay off in the long run by reducing energy expenses and carbon footprints.

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